7 essential fall treatments

A woman wearing a beautiful wreath of fall leaves.

It’s autumn – it’s time to visit a beautician. There is no more active sunlight, the skin needs to be restored after the summer season, nourished and start preparing for the cold weather.


The main composition of the drug is hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the health and beauty of the skin at the cellular level. By taking a course of biorevitalization, you fight skin dehydration, restore the water balance in cells, and help eliminate facial wrinkles.


A cosmetology technique that can be used to remove mimic wrinkles, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, and increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The essence of the technique is the introduction of an injection into the skin, consisting of vitamins, hyaluronic acid, amino acids and antioxidants.


Plasmolifting, one of the effective antiaging procedures of recent years. This is also an injection method, which consists in injecting one’s own plasma enriched with platelets under the skin. Cells are saturated with oxygen and as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and skin elasticity increases. Also, plasma lifting has proven itself well in the treatment of hair loss.

Photo rejuvenation (M22 platform)

Photo rejuvenation is an ideal procedure for autumn. The effect on the skin occurs through light waves, which allows penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis, preventing skin aging, narrowing enlarged pores, removing pigment spots and blood vessels, both on the face and on the body. The M22 platform from Lumenis works on the basis of IPL technology (intense pulsed light) and is the most popular for solving cosmetology and some medical problems.

Treatment of vascular changes

Couperosis or vascular mesh on the face or body is an aesthetic defect that can be easily removed. In our medical center, vessels can be removed with the help of photoflashes, or with a neodymium laser using the modern M22 platform from Lumenis.

Laser grinding

Another procedure that solves both age-related skin changes and aesthetic defects, such as post-acne, stretch marks, and scars. The laser rejuvenation procedure is painless using the only Lumenis platform M22 device in Ukraine with the ResurFX nozzle.

Laser hair removal

And, of course, laser hair removal. Everyone dreams of smooth and silky skin. It is time to deal with this issue in order to be fully armed for the new beach season. Moreover, in our medical center we use the latest generation Lumenis LightSheer desire device, which will painlessly help deal with the problem of excess hair.

You can make an appointment for any of these procedures by phone: +38 (050) 346-13-13, +38 (067) 411-13-13, (044) 425-03-13

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No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
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aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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