Aligning teeth with eliners – for those who are embarrassed to wear braces

Invisalign for aligning teeth with braces and eliners.

We decided to align your teeth, but are embarrassed to wear braces? Modern orthodontics came up with a solution — e-liners. What are the features of these orthodontic devices and whether they are effective in treatment — this is in our article.

What are eliners?

Eliner is a removable kappa made of polycarbonate. It is intended for correction of occlusion. For the first time this orthodontic device was invented in 1998 by Align Technology (USA) and named it Invisalign. Despite the fact that Alainers are almost 20 years old, in Ukraine they have been relatively recently learned about them.

The clinic for aesthetic dentistry PRIZMA uses Invisalign (USA), which in just 1-2 years (depending on the complexity of the pathology) will make your smile beautiful!

Care and aesthetics

Aligners are transparent and invisible when worn and stained to wear, so you can safely talk about the aesthetics of this method of treatment. Ceramic and sapphire braces are also considered aesthetically more attractive than metal braces, but nevertheless they are noticeable on the teeth. Another advantage of elaine is that their wearing does not complicate the oral hygiene — the product is easily removed.

Teeth with Invisalign eliners.

How is the device made?

Each eliner is individual, the product is made in the laboratory according to the patient’s teeth. As the treatment is completed, the kappa must be changed to a new one, as the position of the teeth changes. On a consultation with an orthodontist, the patient is shown a video of how the teeth will move and what result to expect from the treatment.

What is the point?

Elainers exercise a weak pressure on the tooth, resulting in bone tissue dissolving in the direction of movement of the tooth. As a result, tissue is formed in the opposite direction, which ensures a gradual movement of the tooth in the desired trajectory, which is set by the orthodontist.

Correction of the bite by the elayers is possible only after a detailed examination, which determines the causes and severity of the abnormality of the teeth.

How many hours a day should I wear?

For effective results, we recommend wearing at least 20-22 hours per day. In fact, you need to remove the device only when eating.

Are all the anomalies handled by the eliners?

This orthodontic device copes with any dentoalveolar anomaly. And to correct a cross or open bite, the eliners fit even better than braces. The main thing in the treatment of Invisalign – is the experience of the orthodontist in working with the system. All the rest is a matter of technology.

Treatment of the Invisalign by the Eliners in the clinic of aesthetic dentistry «PRIZMA» deals with an orthodontist with 7 years of experience — Oleg Krasnolenskiy.

Can you eat everything?

One of the delights of elaine treatment is that you can not deny yourself anything in terms of food — nuts, meat, apples — all this is possible. But do not forget to brush your teeth after eating, before putting the kappa back on.

A woman puts an Invisalign eligner on her teeth.

Is the diction not violated?

Adaptation to eLaynery occurs in all in different ways — someone is enough for 1 day, and someone adapts a week. With regard to diction, the patient may initially experience discomfort and observe «hissing,» but after a period of addiction, this reduces to almost zero.

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