3D презентація відновлення зубів.
Modern dentistry has at its disposal various methods of restoring teeth that allow you to make adjustments to their shape,...
30 років разом з "Призма".
We are happy to announce that Prizma Medical Center is celebrating its 30th anniversary! Over the years, we have become...
Голковколювання за головного болю.
Acupuncture for headaches is a technique that allows you to provide relief from the painful process by acting on special...
Процедура ін'єкційної косметології на жіночому обличчі.
Botulinum therapy is an injectable technology of skin rejuvenation, which is widely used in modern cosmetology. It helps to eliminate...
Дівчина з куперозом на обличчі дивиться в дзеркало.
Couperosis on the face is a vascular pathology affecting small blood vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis....
Дівчина з акне на обличчі дивиться в дзеркало.
Vitamins for skin from pimples – a question that interests not only teenagers, but also many adults who have faced...
Молода жінка виглядає щасливою.
Underarm hyperhidrosis is a problem that, according to medical statistics, today faces almost every third person. Unfortunately, in many cases...
Процедура ультразвукової чистки.
  Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove dead cells, greasy shine and other impurities from the...
Жінка на процедурі голковколювання.
Acupuncture therapy: indications for use Acupuncture technique: how the procedure is performed Acupuncture: main contraindications What are the dangers of...
Дівчина міряє талію сантиметром.
Dangerous ways to lose weight Ways to lose weight without dieting: top 10 recommendations Ways to lose weight for the...
Дівчина тримається за ногу, сидячи на землі поруч зі скейтом.
Sprained leg: main varieties The main causes of dislocations Sprained leg: symptomatology Sprained leg: first aid rules Foot sprains: peculiarities...
Дівчина тримає витягнуну руку.
Fingers on the hands go numb: diagnosing pathology Treatment of numbness of fingers on hands: basic solutions Numb thumbs: preventive...
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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