Braces for bite correction

Smile with braces.

Correcting the bite with braces is one of the simplest and most accessible methods to enhance one’s smile for both adults and children. It can help eliminate tooth irregularities, correct any anomalies in the bite, and align the dental arch, thus restoring smile aesthetics and normalizing pronunciation and chewing.

Why Bite Problems Occur?

Bite refers to the relationship between upper and lower teeth when they come together. Unfortunately, many adults and children have an incorrect bite where the jaws are not in the right position, and teeth are not aligned evenly.

An incorrect bite can lead to discrepancies in the dental arch when the jaws are closed, which, in turn, can cause early tooth loss or chronic oral cavity conditions.

Such disorders can arise for various reasons, including congenital and acquired factors:

  • Artificial feeding of infants can often lead to deformities that manifest in children who were bottle-fed and not weaned from pacifiers at an early age. These habits can lead to occlusal disorders, such as improper jaw closure, such as lip biting or finger-sucking.
  • Genetic predisposition can also play a role in the development of an incorrect bite since the incorrect tooth position is often passed from parents due to hereditary factors and genetic anomalies.
  • Diseases of the dental-jaw system that have progressed can also cause deformities and result in an incorrect bite.

Why Correcting an Incorrect Bite is Important

Many people postpone correcting an incorrect bite, considering it an insignificant problem. However, in adults, this condition can lead to various complications and pathologies:

  • Uneven chewing can lead to gastrointestinal problems.
  • Increases the risk of developing cavities, pulpitis, and gum problems.
  • Uneven distribution of load on the teeth can lead to wear and tear and damage.
  • Incorrect tooth alignment sometimes causes severe headaches.
  • An incorrect bite can affect the ability to pronounce words and lead to psychological complexes due to lack of self-confidence.
  • Disturbance of proper occlusion (teeth closure) brings significant discomfort. It can lead to headaches, neck and upper back pain. Additionally, crowded teeth contribute to bacterial growth, plaque formation, and other oral cavity diseases. Therefore, correcting an incorrect bite is an essential step in maintaining dental and overall health.

What Are Braces?

Correcting the bite is a procedure performed under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Special orthodontic devices are used for this purpose, which are tailored to the individual characteristics of each patient’s dental system. In dentistry, bracket systems and aligners (special clear caps) are the most popular methods used to correct even complex and mixed bite irregularities. Surgical intervention may be required in cases of severe deformities. However, in most cases, wearing braces remains the preferred treatment method, as it is considered a safe and effective means of correction.

Bracket systems consist of brackets attached to the tooth surfaces and interconnected by arches. Thanks to these arches, teeth gradually change their position and align into the correct anatomical position. This can correct cosmetic defects and functional problems with the jaw in patients of all ages.

Advantages of the Bracket System

High efficiency: Braces are successfully used even in cases of severe bite irregularities.

Variety of Materials

This allows patients to choose the optimal option, considering appearance and cost.

Strict control of the correction process: During treatment, patients regularly visit the doctor, ensuring a predictable outcome.

Affordability: As a rule, correcting the bite with braces is less expensive than surgical treatment.

However, it is essential to remember that wearing braces requires special care and strict hygiene for the oral cavity. Moreover, braces cannot be removed during treatment and must be worn throughout the entire correction period.

Indications and Contraindications for Wearing Orthodontic Braces

Patients often seek orthodontists with a desire to improve their smile and appearance. However, there are also medical indications for using orthodontic constructions. Among them are:

  • Incorrect tooth positioning and defects in their alignment.
  • Crowded teeth or significant gaps between them.
  • Preparation for dental prosthetics or implantation.
  • The need to extract teeth that haven’t erupted.

However, there are specific contraindications where wearing braces for adults becomes impossible. This is why additional diagnostic procedures are conducted before the start of orthodontic treatment.

Among the contraindications for wearing braces, one should consider the following:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Allergic reactions to materials used in constructions.
  • Oral cavity diseases.
  • Psychoneurological pathologies.

Stages of Correcting the Bite at the Prizma Medical Center

The process of correcting the bite includes several mandatory stages:

  1. The first step is a consultation with an orthodontist. During this meeting, the specialist examines and assesses the condition of the dental-jaw system, as well as the extent of work required for orthodontic correction. Necessary diagnostic procedures are performed at this time, and an individual treatment plan is developed.
  2. Preparatory stage. At this stage, oral cavity sanitation and professional hygiene cleaning are performed. All existing dental and oral diseases are treated.
  3. Installation of the bracket system. Orthodontic braces are attached to the tooth surfaces, after which a power arch is installed to provide the necessary pressure to move the teeth into the desired position.
  4. Regular adjustments. Patients are advised to visit the orthodontist every 1-2 months for power arch correction and monitoring procedures.
  5. Retention period. After the removal of the bracket system, patients may be prescribed removable or non-removable retainers to help maintain the achieved results and prevent teeth from returning to their original pathological position.

Duration of Wearing Braces

The duration of wearing orthodontic braces depends on the complexity of the specific situation and can range from 12 to 36 months. It should be noted that correction using metal braces usually takes 3-4 months less time than when using ceramic or sapphire constructions.


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