Braces for one jaw

Braces on the upper jaw.

A person considering starting orthodontic treatment usually has a clear understanding of what concerns them most and what they want to change in their smile. This can range from a single crooked tooth to multiple improperly positioned and protruding teeth. Sometimes these issues may be accompanied by changes in facial architecture, such as a receding or protruding chin, facial asymmetry, and occasionally even speech impairments. Sometimes, a person may be bothered by a problem that is imperceptible to others, such as gaps, chewing discomfort, or a dentist’s recommendation for braces to correct the bite. An orthodontist comes to the rescue to address these issues. The primary goal of an orthodontist is not only to straighten teeth but also to ensure the correct physiological contact between the upper and lower teeth, allowing the entire dental and jaw system to function correctly.

For some bite irregularities, there are no strict scientific proofs that improper occlusion is necessarily harmful, due to the body’s high adaptability. Failure to meet bite correction standards sometimes does not have a negative impact on dental health, but it cannot be predicted in advance whether it will be suitable in each specific case. There are criteria that, when followed, increase the likelihood of maintaining tooth health, stability, and proper function. An experienced orthodontist adheres to these criteria when performing orthodontic treatment using a bracket system.

Indications for Installing Braces on One Jaw

Indications for children include:
– Insufficient space for the eruption of permanent teeth.
– Presence of diastemas (gaps between teeth) and trema (significant spacing between teeth).
– The need for jaw expansion.
– Maintaining space for the eruption of permanent teeth (in children, teeth are more mobile, and after the removal of a baby tooth, adjacent teeth may shift into its place, leading to improper growth of the permanent tooth).

Recommendations for adults:

– Improper positioning of one or more teeth.
– Tight spacing.
– Presence of diastemas and tremas (if the bite is in order).
– Correcting the position before installing a prosthesis.
– Fixation of the position if there is no contact with the corresponding antagonist.
Contraindications are divided into relative ones related to the state of oral health and absolute ones related to the bite.

Relative contraindications:

– Cavities.
– Plaque on teeth.
– Gum diseases.

Absolute contraindications:

Curvature of three or more teeth in one jaw (problems of an unlimited nature).
– Incorrect bite.
– Crooked teeth.
– Severe crowding of teeth.

Determining whether braces can be installed on one jaw can’t be done independently. The possibility of installing them only on the upper or lower jaw is determined by the orthodontist after a thorough examination of:

– Bite features.
– General condition.
– X-rays.

If the orthodontist suspects that partial bracket installation may worsen the situation, they recommend installing a full system on both jaws.

How to Choose Braces for One Jaw?

Choosing partial braces for one jaw should be done following the same principles as when choosing for both jaws.
In addition, the following factors should be considered:

Aesthetic qualities: Braces on the upper jaw are usually more visible than on the lower jaw, so patients often prefer to install ceramic or sapphire braces on the upper jaw, while metal braces are used on the lower jaw.
Price: Metal braces are a more budget-friendly option, ceramic braces are in the mid-price range, and sapphire braces are considered the most expensive.
Orthodontist’s recommendations: It’s important to pay attention to the orthodontist’s recommendations, taking into account the individual jaw features of the patient.
The primary goal of choosing braces should be the confidence of both the doctor and the patient in the effectiveness of the treatment.

However, it is worth noting that braces on only one jaw have their disadvantages:

– Possibility of bite deformation during the wearing of the construction.
– Reduced treatment effectiveness compared to a full-fledged bracket system.
– In some cases, it can be difficult to predict the final treatment outcome.


The choice of braces for one jaw should be made carefully, taking into account aesthetic preferences, budgetary possibilities, and the recommendations of the orthodontist. Despite the disadvantages, correctly selected braces can help improve the condition of teeth and the bite.
Braces installed only on one jaw address problems related to the correction of the position of individual teeth. It is important to note that they do not affect bite correction and may even worsen jaw alignment. This is the main reason why such braces are rarely used.

An orthodontist may consider the possibility of installing braces only on one jaw only if they are strongly convinced of the effectiveness of such treatment. In case of doubts, the specialist recommends considering the installation of braces on both jaws.

To obtain a consultation and an assessment of your situation, we invite you to visit the “Prizma” medical center. Our orthodontist will carefully listen to your problems, conduct an examination, and, based on thorough diagnostics, make a decision regarding the possibility of installing braces on only one jaw in your case.

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