Changing arches – changing life. Personal experience of braces installation. Part 4.

Change of arches on braces in orthodontic treatment.

Five months ago my life changed in some way. I started wearing braces. This fascinating journey into the world of beauty and health constantly surprises, pleases, sometimes upsets, but, in general, intrigues more and more in anticipation of the beautiful.

Changing the brackets: before and after photos.

My treatment is progressing well and I am pleased with the results already visible. During this period, I underwent three planned replacements of the arches in the upper and lower jaw. Each time the archwire becomes more elastic to align the teeth. My smile has already changed. The teeth became more expressive, the smile line expanded. When I look at old photographs, I can’t believe that the teeth were in a different position. And most importantly, I am completely related to braces and I am not at all embarrassed about them. In a sincere display of emotions, I smile fully, and interestingly, with more confidence. Me  I like the way my teeth look. (I even started moaning  to the doctor to take off my braces).

Of course, I will not hide the not-so-pleasant moments. Already twice during this period I chipped off the lock (the bracket itself) from two teeth. To do this, the first time I managed to bite a bone from an olive, and the second time something else was hard. That’s how good I am. But my wonderful orthodontist immediately solved this problem and immediately glued them into place, forbidding me & nbsp; bite that without hitting. In such cases, the main thing is to immediately eliminate this nuance so that the teeth do not move again.

After the first few changes of the archwire, there was a slight discomfort, but it passed in just a few hours. And after subsequent replacements, it was not felt at all.

In general, life is full of worries, favorite things, plans and accomplishments, where braces have become another aspect that needs attention,  and  the treatment itself is the next step towards perfection .  There is still a good half ahead, but time flies inexorably, so I think that soon I will have to get used to living without them.


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