Dental sensitivity: reasons and methods of problem solution

A girl's teeth hurt.

The increased dental sensitivity is accompanied by unpleasant pain and discomfort. This problem is sufficiently popular and constrains a habitual life style. People suffering increased dental sensitivity are not able to eat carelessly cold and hot food: it becomes a real trial to treat oneself with ice-cream or eat freshly prepared soup. Moreover, even tooth brushing poses challenges.

What does the increased dental sensitivity mean

The increased dental sensitivity (hyperesthesia) means a process of baring of dentine (porous dental tissue). Dentine contains tubules — microscopic canals leading to a nerve. When baring of dental tubules results from tooth enamel erosion or gum contraction, nerves are growing high-strung at definite influences. This evokes hyperesthesia and pain feelings, as a consequence.

Why hyperesthesia does emerge?

The reasons of dental hypersensitivity may be associated with the following factors:

  • Tooth sensitivity when eating.abrasion of surface enamel due to high loading on tooth masticatory surface;
  • bruxismus (uncontrolled grinding of teeth);
  • tooth decay;
  • parodontitis;
  • phosphoric calcium metabolism disorders;
  • use of bleaching pastes;
  • too stiff brush;
  • ripping of teeth for crowns;
  • smoking;
  • use of some drugs, aggressive beverages and acid foods;
  • toxicosis;
  • endocrinous, serious contagious diseases, neuropsychic disorders.

Who is in a risk group

As you can see in the list of reasons for dental sensitivity, all and everyone are in hyperesthesia development risk group. Probability surges after 25 years — as of this time 40% of population have at least one defective tooth that “opens a way” to sensitivity of tooth area.

Here you can also include an addiction to drinking after cold food with hot tea or coffee, and mismatching toothpaste, as well.

What is to be done at increased dental sensitivity?

  1. Exclude endocrinous diseases that can be the grounds of hyperesthesia.
  2. Abandon consumption of citrus fruits, wine, carbonated beverages.
  3. Refuse of bleaching toothpastes (if any happened to be)
  4. Select a soft toothbrush, special paste for sensitive teeth, use dental floss after each meal.
  5. Visit a dentist — perhaps you will need to take a course of remineralization. The essence of procedure consists in treatment of dental enamel with medications saturating enamel with calcium. Subsequently, an additional treatment is carried out with fluoride agent.

Take control of health of your teeth and apply for dental care timely.

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