Dentistry and osteopathy: the relationship between the two medical fields

A woman undergoing a procedure with an osteopath.

In the human body all organs and systems are interconnected  and when asymmetry occurs in any part of the body, an entire chain of compensatory reactions of the organism takes place. In particular, we can see it in the interaction of the musculoskeletal and dentoalveolar systems.

To ensure that dental treatment is effective, a partnership approach is needed in the work of such specialists as a dentist and an osteopath. It is very important that the osteopath can examine, diagnose and «repair» the body in general before we start dental restoration, prosthetic or orthodontic treatment.

And, it is also necessary that the osteopath should be seen after the orthodontic treatment. It is equally important that the dentist is also aware of the impact of the dental treatment on the patient’s condition.

How to visually determine the presence of anomalies in the position of the body?

Normal type

Normal type of body position.
Visually, a person does not make any additional efforts to keep the body strictly vertical. The line of the gravity center starts from the odontoid process, goes through the sacral promotrary, mid-thigh and knee, and ends up in the taloncalcaneonavicular joint. It is the resulting of forces that holds the body in an upright position, while the head is located above the center of the pelvis without  moving forward or backward, and the shoulder girdle is in the same plane as the pelvic girdle.


Front type

Anterior type of body position.
To keep the body in a vertical position, you can see some efforts made by the body. Visually, the shoulders are lowered, the chest protrudes forward, the intercostal angle is narrow, the body is totally displaced downwards, sometimes the abdominal muscles relaxed and /or atrophied, hips are round and wide, and the lower jaw is projected forward.



Dorsal type

Rear type of body position.
It is obvious the body’s effort to maintain an anterodorsal balance, despite the fact that the general position of the body seems comfortable. The shoulders are lowered, the chest is flat and clamped, the ptosis of the lower part of the body (rib) is seen, the general  position of the body is lowered . The movements are accompanied by a heavy gait, the neck is angled downwards, and the front line of the body is displaced.


Orthopedics + Osteopathy

Orthopedic dentist is engaged in prosthetics of missing teeth or prosthetics on implants. At the same time, there is always a risk that the implant will not survive as a result of rejection of the foreign body by the organism. Due to special techniques the osteopath will improve the blood flow at the site of engraftment of the implant. After this, the tissue reacts positively to the process of implantation.

Massage at the osteopath.

Also, the techniques of osteopathy are used in the absence of one or more teeth, when the workload during chewing movements is redistributed which leads to overloading in one of the jaw area and can be a cause of unpleasant sensations in the temporomandibular joint and headache. In this case, the osteopath will balance the tissues and minimize discomfort in the tissues and organs. And it will also create the correct occlusal height, which should be taken into concideration during prosthetic work.

Orthodontics + osteopathy

For example, as a result of articular or muscular blocks and clamps, a skewness of the hip joint is formed. Then, the position of the spine changes and accordingly changes the position of the lower jaw, followed by the upper jaw. Such shifts lead to a change in the position of the zygomatic bones and in the shape of the face in general. Of course, all this affects the teeth: due to traumatic occlusion, enamel can be damaged, periodontal diseases can develop and bite problems begin. It is not uncommon situation when after finishing of the orthodontic treatment with braces, just in 2-3 years the dentition starts to move again.

Osteopathic correction of posture.

There are also reverse cases when improper dental treatment causes a number of changes in the body. For example, changing the height of the so-called supporting teeth — «first molars» — can lead to a shift in the axis of the lower or upper jaw. In this situation, tension influences on the cervical vertebrae, and changes begin in the entire spine. And the spine changes, in turn, leads to dysfunctions of the internal organs.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the relationship between the condition of the oral cavity (and teeth in particular) and other organs and systems in children and adolescents during the formation of the maxillofacial area, as well as bones and muscular tissue.

Few parents think about this strong connection and insist on installing orthodontic plates or braces in children. But firstly, it is very important to show a child to the osteopath. If the osteopathic correction can be performed on time, then the risk of problems with the teeth and occlusion will be minimized.

How can an osteopath help with bruxism?

Involuntary clenching of the jaws and grinding of the teeth, which usually occurs in a dream at night, leads to the demage of the enamel. Bruxism in children can be a consequence of the birth trauma, and bruxism in adults is mainly the result of stress and overstrain. During examination of child by the osteopath, it turns out that the patient often has irritation and hypertention in the facial muscles, muscles of the head and neck. Just a couple of cure sessions can save a person from grinding, which destroyed teeth for years.

Osteopathic help with bruxism.

In the clinic PRIZMA we provide an integrated approach to the patient’s treatment, which includes the work of the dentist and the osteopath in close cooperation. Our specialists look at the problem of each patient much deeper, and solve it with the help of both the osteopathic correction and the dental treatment while determining the initially effective method.

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