Diagnostics is one of the most complex stages of orthodontic treatment

Example of dental diagnostics for orthodontic treatment at PRIZMA Medical Center.

Diagnostics is one of the most complex stages of orthodontic treatment.

First visit enables orthodontist to determine the necessity of orthodontic treatment, set the time limits of its beginning, to suppose its extents and duration. Final treatment draft is formed after diagnostic records have been studied.

At the beginning of any orthodontic treatment the procedure of getting diagnostic records is carried out. The full set of them help orthodontist to evaluate current situation properly, draft a treatment schedule and during repeated consultation to explain demonstrably to a patient and/or his parents a type and volume of orthodontic care assumed.

Diagnostic records can include: test models, face photos, photos of oral cavity as well as X-ray pictures, orthopantomograms and teleroentgenograms for proper evaluation of actual position of jaws with regard to a skull base, face bevels, roots states, locations of buds of teeth which have not been erupted yet.

Our aesthetic dental clinic in Kiev uses the best DOLPHIN Imaging, DOLPHIN Ceph Tracing, Treatment Simulation diagnostics programs.

The program of diagnostics with the results visualization — “DOLPHIN” — permits to clearly demonstrate to a patient the face art changes at various treatment options. In such a manner doctor together with a patient can adequately assess each specific treatment mode, its result and consciously select an optimum alternative for achievement of desirable result right prior to treatment beginning.

One of many innovative peculiarities is an imitation of treatment, which is actually a virtual reality in orthodontics that allows patients seeing the results of treatment beginning on screen. Ultramodern OrthoCAD iQ software uses mathematical algorithms for calculation of optimal locations of mouth guards with regard to your prescriptions.

OrthoCAD iQ ensures achievement of the results you want thanks to an opportunity to see treatment results on screen before treatment actually begins. More precise location of mouth guards will initially assume more efficiency during the entire treatment process.

This program helps to make a diagnosis to a patient which can be monitored and approved by highly skilled orthodontics in USA.


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