Diastema treatment: repairing the gap between the front teeth

A gap between a girl's teeth.

One of the most controversial of dental anomalies is the interval between the two front teeth (diastema). Some believe that it adds zest to the appearance, but once again not to smile for others it’s an excuse.

Can the gap between the teeth harm the health of other teeth or get rid of it only for aesthetic reasons? This will be our article.

Causes of the gap between the front teeth

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Failure to replace the milk teeth permanent.
  • Abnormalities of bone septum.
  • Pathology of the front incisors (eg mikrodentiya — reducing the size of one or more teeth).
  • Curved bite.
  • Bad habits (frequent eating sunflower seeds, nibble tip pen / pencil, prolonged sucking nipples in children).

The appearance of the diastema and the consequences

Gap between the front teeth is observed in every fifth inhabitant in the world, but for someone it is more developed, and someone is hardly noticeable. The width of the slot ranges from 1 mm to 6 mm, but there are cases when the gap is 1 cm. In general, the gap is formed in the top row, but there are cases where there is a diastema between the front bottom teeth.

Development diastema may be accompanied dyslalia — violation of diction. This is usually manifested in the lisp and prisvistyvanii, with correct speech impediment is not possible with the help of a speech therapist.

Diastema is a gap between the front teeth.

The gap can be of various shapes — triangular or parallel, depending on the curvature of the bite.

The peculiarity of the problem is that the diastema is formed gradually. Therefore, if you notice that you or your child began to show problems with diction, do not hesitate to appeal to the orthodontist. Eventually Scherbinka may increase and then you will need to eliminate a lot of time. In addition, there may be changes in facial because that bite bending increases.

Many people with this defect are getting used to their appearance and do not think the question of treatment of diastema, especially if a small gap. But dentists recommend still attend to the problem, because in the future it can cause the development of periodontal disease and a number of other dental diseases.

Types and kinds of diastema

Before you decide to get rid of the diastema, let’s define what are its species. The gaps are of two types:

  1. True diastema. It occurs in adolescence (12-15 years) after the complete formation of the permanent teeth. Remove this defect can only be a specialist.
  2. Misleading diastema. This defect occurs in children more with baby teeth. It is not necessary to hurry up, and you need to wait until the bite is constant.

According to the classification of gap between the teeth can be:

  • Parallel. If the interval between the teeth is not more than 4 mm and with no occlusion of curvature, such diastema resulted from bone abnormalities and lower bridle arrangement.
  • Triangular. It is a triangle with the apex near the frenulum. Usually such diastema fairly large (more than 4 mm). The most common reason for this is bad habits.
  • Triangular with the apex at the border of crowns. This diastema may occur during the formation of the extra tooth between the two medial incisors.

How to remove gap between the front teeth — methods

Diastema treatment is carried out after careful diagnosis, which takes into account such factors as:

  • the spacing between the teeth;
  • the state of the bridle over his teeth;
  • kind of defect;
  • the level of formation of an occlusion.

View of teeth before and after diastema treatment.

After the diagnosis has defined a method to eliminate the gap: orthopedic, orthodontic, surgical or therapeutic. On each of them we describe in more detail.

Orthopedic method is to install veneers, which are fully consistent with the color of the enamel. In this case, bit rasp teeth and with a special composite tonic plate attached to the teeth.

Orthodontic method is one of the most benign. He is wearing orthodontic appliances such as braces.

The surgical method involves clipping the frenulum under the lip. Palatal suture becomes less dense, which allows to eliminate the excess pressure on the crown.

A therapeutic method is to build the teeth with modern plombochnyh instantly solidifying materials.

The cost of treatment of diastema will differ depending on the method, and may be made public only after a physician diagnosis. In our price you can see the prices for the elimination of the gap between the teeth.

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