Дієта після відбілювання зубів: які продукти забарвлюють емаль, а які – ні?

Teeth whitening — Teeth whitening — a popular procedure because the dazzling smile adorns any person. Clarification of tooth enamel can be performed using different technologies, the choice is always yours. However, the most important is the period after the procedure (on average it lasts 7-10 days), during which the need to fix the result.
In this article we consider the basic dietary recommendations, as well as tell you about diet after tooth whitening.

Food after teeth whitening: the dangerous and safe products

Diet after teeth whitening, or «white diet», «transparent diet» — a set of measures based on the reduction in the number of daily ration of food and beverages, which include aggressive dyes.

What products are stained tooth enamel:

  • Coffee. The dyes contained in coffee (especially soluble) quickly stain your teeth (by the way, is much stronger than the resin, which are formed during the combustion of tobacco during smoking). In order to reduce the effect of coloring, choose a weak coffee with milk.
  • Tea. In recent years, many researchers have in one voice say, that not only black tea, and green can paint the teeth (think brown platter that remains in your cup after the tea). With its light green tea leaves. If you can not give up the black tea, drink it in the form of chilled through a straw.
  • Red wine. Red wine contains tannins that stain teeth. The perfect alternative — white or rosé wine.
  • Sauces. Sauces that have bright color (soya, tomato, mustard and so on.) Also leave stains on the teeth. Eat light sauces, such as rice, cooking oil or lemon juice.
  • Carbonated beverages and juices. These drinks have a rich color can seriously harm any snow-white smile. High acidity of carbonated drinks destroy tooth enamel, helping dyes penetrate deeper. Tip: drink beverages through a straw.
  • Bright vegetables, fruits and berries. Beets, blackberries, currants, grapes, cranberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, watermelon, mango, citrus — it’s food, coloring teeth. However, vegetables, berries and fruits are good for health, so to exclude them from the diet is not necessary. In order to eliminate the effect of the coloring pigments, use a special conditioner for whitening teeth after eating.
  • Caramel and colored candies. If candy, ice cream or chewing gum stain your tongue, you can be sure that your teeth are also colors.

Try to choose sugar-free gum, candy and ice cream and eat only if they do not contain artificial colors.

Food after whitening

What kind of food after tooth whitening should be followed? The answer is very simple: you can safely eat dairy products (yogurt, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), Clear broth, fish, cabbage, cucumber, pasta (no sauce), porridge, water.

To keep your white smile for years to come, experts of aesthetic dentistry clinic «PRIZMA» are advised to comply with oral hygiene. See your dentist regularly, use high-quality products for dental care, avoid products with aggressive dyes. Perfect smile — a healthy smile!

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