Distal bite: types, causes and treatment options

A young male with a distal bite.

A distal bite is a pathology that has a negative impact on both aesthetics and the general health of the body. It can cause gum disease, gastrointestinal diseases, excessive abrasion of teeth. Now we will dwell in more detail on what this pathology is, what are its external manifestations and causes of development. We will tell you how to diagnose and how to correct a detailed bite in patients of different ages. We will give a number of recommendations for the prevention of the disease.

What is a distal bite

Distal bite is a disease that is accompanied by a forward advancement of the upper jaw over the lower jaw when connecting the tooth rows. That is, there is an inferior development of the lower jaw.

In medical practice, this pathology is also called distal occlusion or prognathia. The need for its treatment depends on the degree of severity. In some cases, there is no point in correction, as deviations are within the normal range and do not have a negative impact on the appearance and work of the jaws. But in other situations, you can not do without a comprehensive approach and long-term restoration of a normal bite.

Distal occlusion: symptomatology

The manifestation of the disease directly depends on the form of pathology and the degree of its development. Distal dentition in children is still developing, so there are no noticeable external manifestations. As it progresses, the symptomatology will become more and more pronounced. The doctor will be able to determine the presence of pathologies, focusing on the state of the dentition:

  • the presence of a wide gap between the front teeth;
  • crowding of the dentition;
  • incorrect position of some teeth (may be turned);
  • incomplete connection of lateral teeth;
  • bite disorders;
  • underdevelopment of the lower jaw.

If the disease is neglected, external symptoms are added. So deep distal bite in adults will be characterized by changes in appearance: large cheeks and cheekbones, slightly convex face, the so-called “bird profile”, raised up wings of the nostrils. There is often a pronounced crease at the chin, and the upper lip is more dense. It can be seen that people suffering from this pathology have an ajar mouth due to the fact that the lower lip is tucked under the front teeth. There is whispering and lisping in conversation. In a severe distal bite, posture is also affected.

All these signs will worsen as the disease develops. Therefore, it is important not to start the pathology and seek professional help at the first suspicion.

Distal bite: causes of occurrence

This pathology most often develops in children. Anatomically, in babies, the lower jaw is displaced in relation to the upper jaw by about 1 cm. In the process of breastfeeding, then in the transition to solid food, the lower jaw actively develops, the bite changes. In the case of artificial feeding instead of breastfeeding, the baby had to make less effort when suckling, which slowed down the full growth of the lower jaw.

A child sucking a finger.

Other causes of distal bite may include the following:

  • endogenous diseases;
  • genetic predisposition, phenotypic aspects;
  • bruises, falls and other facial traumas that provoke a delay in the development of the lower jaw;
  • frequent colds: if you constantly breathe through the mouth, the lower jaw is displaced backwards;
  • prolonged sucking a finger, pacifier,
  • hand propping up the chin, the habit of holding a pencil, pen in the mouth: also inhibit the development of the jaw.

The more serious the abnormalities, the more obvious will be the manifestations of pathology and the more drastic treatment they will require.

What will happen if distal dentition is not treated

If you do not pay attention to preventive measures, if you neglect the disease, then the patient eventually faces the following manifestations:

  • violations of aesthetics, in particular facial symmetry;
  • problems with chewing food and swallowing it, which will negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speech difficulties, irregular breathing;
  • increased susceptibility to periodontal disease, caries development;
  • difficulties at the stage of implantation, prosthetics;
  • frequent bleeding of the gums;
  • excessive abrasion of teeth;
  • temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

Discomfort and painful sensations that the patient will encounter when talking, chewing food will only increase with time. Do not wait until the pathology reaches such a degree, because it is possible to correct the distal bite with braces and other fairly gentle methods.

Distal bite: main varieties

Distal dentition is classified into several categories:

  1. By shape: dentoalveolar, skeletal, and joint. In the dentoalveolar form, there is anatomically incorrect growth of the tooth row. In this situation, treatment involves wearing braces. Skeletal or, as it is also called, gnostic form of pathology appears as a result of incorrect formation of the jaw. It can be corrected by surgical intervention. The joint form involves a combination of both causes and requires an individual approach to treatment.
  2. According to Engle. This classification of distal bite is of two types: І and ІІІ. In the first case, there is a narrowing of the jaw arch in the lateral regions, which causes a fan-like arrangement of the incisors. In the second case, the lateral incisors are partially expanded, and the anterior teeth have a strong inclination to the palate.
  3. According to Betelman. Here there are 4 varieties: the lower jaw is underdeveloped, and the upper jaw is normal; the lower jaw is normal, and the upper jaw is enlarged; the lower jaw is underdeveloped, and the upper jaw is enlarged; the upper jaw is enlarged and there is lateral compression of the teeth.

Distal occlusion: features of diagnosis

A man at a dentist's appointment.

In order for a doctor to determine how to correct a distal bite in an adult or child as quickly and effectively as possible, he or she needs to understand the cause of the pathology, as well as the degree of its development. To do this, a comprehensive diagnosis is performed, including:

  1. visual inspection of the oral cavity;
  2. formation of casts to clarify the degree of pathology;
  3. computerized tomography;
  4. scans of the jawbone, tooth row in several projections.

If necessary, electromyography, rheography of the temporomandibular joint is additionally appointed. Such diagnostics will allow the doctor to see the total clinical picture of distal bite, to choose the most effective treatment.

Distal occlusion: peculiarities of treatment

How to remove the distal bite will largely depend on the age of the patient. Approaches to the treatment of pathology in adults and children in modern medicine are different. This is due to the fact that in a child, the bones of the jaw are still developing, which allows you to correct the position of the teeth, thereby eliminating the pathology. If the tissues and bones are already settled, then it will be extremely difficult to ensure such a thing.

Features of treatment of distal bite in children

Treatment of the disease in children can begin as early as 3 years of age. A good effect gives alveolar massage and myogymnastics in distal bite. They will stimulate the development of the lower jaw and simultaneously slow down the growth of the upper jaw. Orthodontic appliances are prescribed at a later stage.

The use of Dass activators, Rogers, Frenkel and other screw-based devices is also indicated in a number of cases:

  • Dass, Rogers, Frankel and other screw-based activators.
  • Trainers – elastic mouthguards that train the muscles. They are fitted overnight and for several hours a day. The duration of treatment can be from 4 and up to 12 months.
  • Orthodontic plates. The metal arch, which is in their design, will exert pressure on the tooth row with a certain amount of force, which will lead to its alignment. The duration of treatment ranges from 6 to 18 months.
  • Bracket systems. Such fixed structures are installed for teenagers. The doctor chooses the most suitable option: metal, lingual, ceramic. Brackets are fixed on each tooth, and then a metal arch is threaded through them. In general, treatment takes from 1 to 2 years.

Smile of a girl with braces.

Features of treatment of distal bite in adults

If the situation is not too advanced, the problem can be corrected by installing splints, braces, elastic traction, chin splints. It may take from 1.5 to 3 years to eliminate the pathology. With the right approach, the distal bite after braces will go away completely.

Can veneers be placed for distal bite? You can, but only after the basic treatment has been completed. The fact is that the installation of veneers will help to remove only the aesthetic problem, in particular, to improve the shape of the tooth, its color, but they do not eliminate the pathology itself. That is, initially a comprehensive orthodontic treatment is performed, and then aesthetic correction with the use of veneers.

It is impossible to predict exactly how much the tooth row will recover, how long it will take to eliminate the pathology, since all these processes are individual. Practice shows that 95% of patients who have faced this disease, managed to remove it with the help of orthodontic treatment. And here there is a direct correlation with the age at which professional help will be sought. With the same degree of severity, treatment of distal bite in a child will take six months to a year, and in an adult several years.

Distal bite: preventive measures

The future mother should think about the problem of distal bite development in the child at the stage of pregnancy. The most important here will be the first 3 months, when the skeleton of the fetus, its skull is formed. Violate this natural process and cause irreversible reactions can take prohibited drugs, frequent stay in stressful situations, the presence of bad habits.

After the baby is already born, it is necessary to monitor his behavior. If artificial feeding is assumed, then it is necessary to choose harder bottle nipples. So, to get to the food the child will have to suck with great effort, which will contribute to the correct formation and development of the lower jaw. It is also worth avoiding the prolonged use of a pacifier, remove the habit of sucking fingers, fists, and at an older age – pens, pencils.

The correct development of the jaw is also influenced by:

  • posture: make sure that the schoolchild sits straight;
  • nasal trauma;
  • frequent ENT diseases, including chronic ones.

These are factors that every parent can influence. Minor adjustments to your child’s behavior will lead to the fact that his jaw will develop correctly and you can avoid serious pathologies in the future.

But if there is already a problem, it is necessary to seek its treatment. And here the doctors of the medical center “Prizma” in Kiev are ready to provide competent help. We have experienced orthodontists, surgeons, therapists who diagnose the pathology, prescribe the optimal treatment and implement all measures at a high professional level using advanced modern technologies.

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