Orthopaedic dentist
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Category: highest in orthopedic dentistry

Work experience: 23 years

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University, 2000


Areas of work:

  • Prosthetics of teeth on implants
  • Fabrication of all-ceramic inlays
  • Fabrication of veneers
  • Fabrication of metal-ceramic and metal-free crowns.
  • Clip-on prosthetics

Certificates, Training, and Courses:

  • 2008, “Modern approaches in surgical and aesthetic dentistry in implant prosthetics”, Dr. Russell
  • 2008, International Symposium “Quintessence”
  • 2010, “Basic Principles of Occlusion and Articulation in Patient Prosthodontics with Zirconium Oxide Ceramics supported on Natural Teeth and Implants”, Dr. Michael Perez-Davidi
  • 2011, “Unsurpassed aesthetics in implant prosthetics”, Dr. Paul Weigl
  • 2012, “Aesthetic rehabilitation: a comprehensive orthopedic approach,” Dr. M. Fradeani
  • 2012, “Modern tendencies of diagnostics and treatment of pathology of facial area, ENT organs”, Belous O. M
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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