Headache – check your bite!

A woman holds her head with her hand.

Frequent headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the spine, ringing in the ears — it turns out, these and many other symptoms may be caused by malocclusion.

Currently, there are various ways to correct the bite.

Engaged in this neuromuscular (functional) dental — the science that studies the irregularities in the muscles, joints, dental system as a whole and offers a variety of ways to solve various problems of the oral cavity.

Close relationship

In the pathology of the bite, when the upper and lower jaws are in the correct position relative to each other, disrupted the temporomandibular joint, which leads to strain on the facial muscles. Because of this, there is rotation of the second cervical vertebra — you can feel the numbness of fingers, headache, low back pain appears.

Diseases of the spine, we are accustomed to consider as the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, but the root cause lies elsewhere.

Specialists clinic of aesthetic dentistry «PRIZMA» argue that the disruption of the temporomandibular joint results in headache and pain in the neck, tinnitus.

To date, it has more than 50 disorders associated with malocclusion. Therefore, the main objective of neuromuscular dentistry is to correct this situation — the restoration of an anatomically correct position of the upper and lower jaws relative to each other.

What happens to the muscles?

The techniques of modern dentistry is often directed at correction of bite using a conventional alignment of the teeth, without taking into account the physiological condition of the muscles, doing what neuromuscular dentistry.

The muscles most strongly react to the wrong position. If you long to keep a hand in an extended position, it will bring the pain in a few moments. Just feels mandible with malocclusion: the muscles are constantly strained to keep her. As a consequence, there is a headache and pain in the temporomandibular joint.

Temporomandibular joint in a woman.

Neuromuscular dentistry examines the work of muscles of the masticatory apparatus, and also offers a variety of ways to treat pathologies. With electroneurostimulation muscles relax and muscle memory is erased, because the facial muscles when malocclusion also «remember» that it is necessary to hold the jaw in a forced position. If you erase the memory and to relax the muscles, recovers their length, which has been set physiologically, so that the lower jaw back into place, and the joint is in its normal position.

Therefore, to achieve not only aesthetic, but also functionally correct result neuromuscular processes must be taken into consideration in dental treatment as a whole.

Treat your health carefully and cautiously, because it is you have one!

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