Cellulite treatment for cellulite on legs.

A toned and toned body is every woman’s dream. And on the eve of the summer season, the desire to have ideal forms becomes especially relevant.

Unfortunately, neither systematic exercise, nor a healthy diet, nor special cosmetics, nor a course of manual massage guarantee 100% cellulite reduction. Traps lie in wait for a modern woman everywhere: sedentary work, hormonal changes, and a genetic predisposition to its appearance.

What is cellulite?

Let’s try to figure out what cellulite is and what causes it. In general, we mistakenly used to call cellulite a completely different phenomenon. Cellulite is a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, a serious disease requiring surgical intervention.

And that friability and flabbiness of the skin on the buttocks and thighs, which we fight with the help of anti-cellulite massages and other cosmetic procedures, is called very “simply”: gynoid lipodystrophy.

We suggest you just memorize this medical term in order to show off your erudition on occasion. Further in the article, we will have in mind exactly gynoid lipodystrophy, but for convenience, call it habitual cellulite.

So what are the causes of cellulite?

The first three of them literally lie on the surface:

Cellulite on a woman's leg.

  1. Improper nutrition
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
  3. Addiction to bad habits

Yes, we all know to eat protein, fiber, healthy unsaturated fats, give up sugar, alcohol, no smoking, exercise regularly.

Other reasons are less obvious but just as important:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Most often it is ovarian dysfunction, which causes an increase in the content of estrogen in the blood
  • Heredity. Regrettably, if your mother or aunt suffered from cellulite, it is highly likely that this trouble will also affect your buttocks
  • Chronic stress and fatigue. Yes, lack of sleep, stress at work, and even problems in personal life can become indirect causes of disruption of normal lipid metabolism

Due to one or a combination of the above factors, the functioning of fat cells deteriorates, capillaries weaken, edema appears, and blood and lymph microcirculation is disturbed. The result is uneven, loose and flabby skin, which we put all our efforts into fighting.

What doesn’t help with cellulite?

  • Any tablet preparations. Yes, they can reduce tissue swelling, but they will not solve the problem
  • Traumatic manual or vacuum-roller massage. It is a mistake to assume that hematomas (bruises) indicate the effectiveness of massage. The situation is exactly the opposite: the blood microcirculation system is disturbed even more, exacerbating the problem of cellulite
  • Anti-cellulite creams. These tools have a short-term effect and do not work without an integrated approach

How to get rid of cellulite?

First of all, you should accept and come to terms with the following fact: you will not get rid of cellulite once and for all. Cellulite treatment – systematic and complex therapy.

  1. Revision of nutrition. Give up flour, sweet, fatty. Do not exceed the number of calories you need
  2. Regular physical activity will help reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve your overall well-being
  3. Cosmetological procedures: body lipomodeling using the Vela Shape III device, pressure therapy, mesotherapy, myostimulation, shock wave therapy, various body wraps, etc.

This does not mean that you need all the procedures in the above list. Our medical center is known for its individual approach to each specific case. Therefore, our experts will select those that will be effective for you.

Vela Shape 3

Vela Shape 3 for cellulite treatment.

VelaShape III is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure in which uses a combination of modern technologies to contour your body and reduce the visible appearance of cellulite. How does it work?

During the procedure (by the way, completely painless), 4 newest techniques work with your body at once, the interaction of which guarantees a quick and effective reduction in the volume of the hips, lifting and reduction in the volume of the buttocks, a decrease in the volume of the abdomen, and improved blood circulation. More and more of our new and regular clients trust VelaShape III for body shaping. Firstly, this is a comfortable procedure for which you can find time right at lunchtime. It does not require any special preparation or the use of anesthesia, and after it you can immediately go to work and on a date. Secondly, the effectiveness of Vela Shape 3 is noted by the vast majority of clients after the first procedure! And what could be more inspiring than the visible result of your body becoming more and more attractive?!

Shock wave therapy

Shockwave therapy for cellulite treatment.


Shock wave therapy (SWT) is a physiotherapy apparatus procedure that has been successfully used in many medical fields. The indications for shock wave therapy are extremely wide: it effectively shows itself both in the treatment of dental and orthopedic diseases, and in solving aesthetic problems, in particular, the fight against cellulite. How it works? The UVT device of the famous Swiss brand Storz Medical generates low-frequency acoustic waves that can penetrate the body to a depth of up to 7 centimeters! These waves affect pathological lipid cells, stimulating the production of collagen, restoring blood microcirculation in tissues, and increasing the elasticity of muscle fibers. As a result, lipolysis is normalized – the physiological breakdown of fat cells, the skin is tightened, its tone increases, the skin in problem areas becomes smooth and even. A session of shock wave therapy is practically painless, discomfort occurs in a small number of patients and decreases with each subsequent procedure.

Press therapy

Pressotherapy for cellulite treatment.


Another effective method on the warpath against cellulite is pressure therapy. Pressotherapy shows particularly good results in the treatment of edematous cellulite. Edematous cellulite is a specific type of cellulite (as if one wasn’t enough!) that often comes with varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, and swelling. The reason for its occurrence is a violation of the normal functioning of the lymphatic drainage system. The circulation of the lymphatic fluid slows down, as a result of which edema appears, the effect of an orange peel and skin tone is lost. The pressotherapy procedure is aimed specifically at normalizing the functioning of the lymphatic system and accelerating metabolism. How it works? Special cuffs are put on problem areas, into which compressed air is supplied. Our cosmetologist in each individual case calculates the time of alternating compress and vacuum. Increasing cuff pressure affects the skin, muscles, and deep-lying venous and lymphatic vessels. As a result, excess fluid is removed from the body (goodbye, edema), normal water balance is restored, lymph circulation is normalized, and metabolic processes in fat cells are accelerated. And the icing on the cake – the effect of a single pressotherapy session is equivalent to ten sessions of manual lymphatic drainage massage!


Mesotherapy is considered one of the most effective procedures aimed at eliminating cellulite, getting rid of from excess weight and skin tightening. This is an injection procedure during which a combination of special preparations – lipolytics – is injected under the skin. How it works? Before dwelling on this particular procedure, it should be remembered that mesotherapy is an injection cosmetic manipulation, which can only be performed by a certified specialist. Therefore, no injections in dubious beauty salons, and even more so, at home. At Prizma Medical Center, a professional doctor will select the right meso-cocktail for you and determine the number of procedures required in your case. Yes, let’s clarify, mesotherapy should be carried out exactly as a course, because this is a complex sequential procedure that is aimed at eliminating stagnant processes and accelerating the outflow of lymph, then “stirring up” fat cells and activating blood and lymph microcirculation. Each meso-cocktail is selected individually and has its own specific purpose. Therefore, one should strictly follow the protocol, appointed by a cosmetologist. Since mesotherapy is an injection procedure, pain may occur during it, which we will try to minimize by preparing the skin with an anesthetic cream. In addition, there is a risk of small hematomas, and at the end of the course of procedures, it is necessary to refrain from sunbathing for 2 weeks. Therefore, these factors should be taken into account when planning a trip to the sea, having completed a course of mesotherapy in advance. A toned and beautiful body without signs of cellulite is not only a matter of aesthetics and self-confidence. It speaks of health, well-established metabolism and hormonal balance. Take care of it today and the result will be obvious not only to you, but also to those around you!

Professional cosmetologists of our center will be happy to advise you on all issues related to the treatment of cellulite and the fight against edema or excess weight. Buy a new swimsuit, and the Prizma Medical Center will take care of admiring glances!


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