How to choose the color of teeth

How tooth color changes.

From the TV and pages of magazines screen snow-white smiles smile us. But in the real life of people with ablaze, as the first snow, meets teeth very small. Often for the achievement of blinding result come running to procedure of whitening teeth— professional or domestic.

In this article we will tell, what color natural teeth, from what itdepends and as far as teeth must be white.

What colors of teeth are

Tooth enamel can be translucent and milky white. Depending on various factors, it can be painted. In fact, the shade of teeth, largely depends on the quality and color of dentin, which shines through the enamel. At the young age of the enamel layer is more dense. In addition, the tooth surface is not perfectly smooth, so light is reflected irregularly. The more pronounced microrelief and denser layer of enamel, the teeth look whiter.

Teeth color scale.

С возрастом у людей количество эмали уменьшается, и зубная поверхность сглаживается. Дентин также подвержен

With age, the number of people decreased enamel and tooth surface is smoothed. Dentin is also subject to change. And given the fact that it itself is darker than the enamel, through the structure of the tooth begins to shine reddish-brown slurry. Therefore, the teeth in the elderly appear darker.

It is also worth considering that dental tissue have an uneven color. For example, the root of the darker and the cutting edge — light. At the same time different teeth have different colors — the cutters have a lighter shade compared with fangs.

Any tooth shade change can solve aesthetic dentistry. The choice has several methods that provide a perfect color. If you are interested in the question of how to choose the right color of the teeth, it must be said here that one should not overdo it. In pursuit of a snow-white smile thing to remember about natural — shade should not be very different from your own. Otherwise, it will be evident.

Different skin color in people.

The natural color of teeth

Say clearly the natural color of teeth — it is impossible, as they have many shades. And it depends largely on race and color. As shown by recent research, which was attended by a group of Slavic and Iranian nationality, most people have found a reddish-brown color, at least — red and gray. Even the Slavs often a reddish-yellow color of the teeth, but the Iranians do not. Shades of gray have not noticed any one nor in the other group. Research carried out previously with other nationalities, have shown similar results. This indicates that the color of the teeth to a greater extent, affect genetic inheritance and then — habitat.

Teeth blacks seem to us ideal. But, in fact, is the effect from the bright contrast with skin color. Have you noticed that after the summer vacation teeth color always looks brighter?

By the way, according to the assertions of the American Dental Association, the easiest susceptible to bleaching the enamel with yellow and brownish. But gray is almost does not respond to the procedure.

Matching the color of veneers.

How to choose the color of teeth

One of the objectives of orthopedic dentist is to select the color for future designs. When either prosthetic restoration of one or more teeth shade is chosen based on the color of the patient’s own teeth. In the manufacture of veneers or crowns have the opportunity to choose the desired color. There should be considered a shade whites of the eyes, skin and even hair. It should also be guided by the material from which the prosthesis is made. Cermets differs from plastic and composite materials having the same color code.

When different lighting tooth shade is perceived differently. Therefore, when choosing the color of crowns or veneers need to do it in natural light, the room with a neutral color of the walls, on the lips of women should not be lipstick.

Professional specialist will help you choose the perfect shade of your teeth to smile looked the most natural and attractive.

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