How to prepare your child to visit the dentist

A child at the dentist's office.

It’s no secret that the dental health of infants, young children and teenagers affects the overall health of an adult.

Who is responsible for the outcome of treatment?

Parents often raises the question: «When should be the child’s first visit to the dentist?». «Does the doctor deal with the problem?»  «Is the doctor to establish contact with their child? Questions certainly legitimate, but very often responsible for the outcome of treatment parents shift exclusively to the doctor. If, in this case, the child’s father and mother are afraid of the dentist, and the voices of all their «fears» in the presence of the future of the patient, a positive result of treatment can not wait.

DEAR PARENTS! The success of any dental treatment (And the first visit) is up to you: you have set up your child how to prepare, what do you say…

Stages of preparation:

  1. The first visit of the child to the dentist should be scheduled (after the eruption of primary teeth 16-20) when there are no problems, nothing hurts. This familiarity with the doctor, with the cabinet. Some positive emotions — baby «ride» in the dental chair, show many interesting «stuff», tell us how to properly care for your teeth (using visual aids). Sometimes a study visit is not enough to come several times to the child began to trust the doctor, no longer feared.
  2. When there is no dental problems (cavities) visit the child to the dentist comes to preventive measures (professional cleaning, fissure sealing, fluoridation of teeth). This is a guarantee of dental health for many years, with no fear of the doctor nor the discomfort of manipulating young patients do not experience.
  3. Dear mom and dad! Never tell your children that they have the doctor will not do anything, do not be fooled by them. View the doctor’s office, sit in the dental chair, open your mouth, show teeth, tongue — is the work for the child, sometimes psychologically difficult. Make sure that something will be done «will consider your beautiful white teeth», «look at your pink tongue», «clean teeth brushing, how you do it at home …» All you need to negotiate. But do not say, please, the word «hurt». The phrase «does not hurt,» the second word, children often do not hear. Problems begin. Your persuasion after these words help not immediately ..
  4. To contact the dentist was positive in the next visit, prepare the child at home, play with him, «dentist». Bottle with water, fleece, tweezers … tap the tooth, wash a little water, rub the teeth with cotton wool. Suffice it to 10-15 minutes a day a few days and you will be surprised how good the child is sitting in the chair at the dentist, it is treated wonderfully.

We are waiting for the little patients in our PRIZMA Clinic. We are confident that both children and their parents will be satisfied with the scope and quality of our services!


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