How to remove stretch marks on the body: effective ways for smooth skin

Stretch marks on the skin of the thighs.

Stretch marks on the body are distressing, but not dangerous to health. However, their presence can cause complexes, because of which women refuse to go to the beach and even intimacy. If you have scars, then you have probably tried no cream. And even if the funds gave at least some result, it did not bring a particularly visible effect. Therefore, we are sure that the question of how to remove stretch marks is relevant for you.

Medicine and cosmetology do not stand still. Today you can try various techniques, from injections to laser removal. But first, let’s define why striae appear.

Causes of stretch marks on the body

Here are the main factors that cause stretch marks on the skin:

Sharp weight change. Rapid weight loss entails the appearance of significant cosmetic defects. The skin needs time to adapt and tighten, while it needs to be nourished and moisturized regularly. Therefore, for many who have lost weight dramatically, another problem arises – how to remove stretch marks.

Pregnancy and lactation. Stretch marks can appear due to stretching of the skin in the abdomen, thighs and chest. Therefore, it is recommended to absolutely everyone during pregnancy and breastfeeding to lubricate the skin with oils, you can use ordinary olive oil.

Stretch marks on the abdomen in a pregnant woman.

Dry, flaky skin. Another factor leading to the appearance of scars on the skin. It is very important that regular self-care includes sufficient fluid intake (water), as well as moisturizing the skin with lotions.

Hormonal Adjustment. During puberty, girls may notice changes on their body, in the form of scarring. Also at risk are women after 45 years of age, in whom the level of production of sex hormones decreases. Therefore, it is very important to lead an active and healthy lifestyle so as not to wonder: “How to remove stretch marks?”.

Genetic Predisposition. No, this does not mean that if your mother had stretch marks, then you will definitely have them. Rather, this should serve as a warning to you that you should stick to proper nutrition and not neglect physical activity.

The following parts of the body are susceptible to striae:

  • chest;
  • belly;
  • hips;
  • hands;
  • buttocks.

These places are the most prone to fat deposits and they are also the first to lose weight. Next, we will talk about how to remove stretch marks on the body and what modern aesthetic cosmetology in Kyiv offers.

How to remove stretch marks – aesthetic cosmetology methods

How to get rid of stretch marks is written in all women’s magazines and blogs. There are some pretty good tips as well. But all these remedies affect only the top layer of the skin, so they can only be effective for filiform stretch marks. But in the fight against atrophic shallow and deep, you need to use heavier “artillery”.

However, it should be noted that neither method will get rid of stretch marks 100%. If someone promises this to you, then most likely you are dealing with an amateur.


Another injection method is plasma lifting. Its essence lies in the fact that a person is injected with his own plasma, enriched with platelets and useful substances. To do this, blood is taken, plasma is extracted from it by processing in a special apparatus. Then the material is enriched with useful substances and vitamins. The resulting cocktail is injected into the problem area. As a result, the skin becomes more even, and the scars are invisible.

Preparation of blood plasma for the procedure of plasmolifting.

Laser Stretch Mark Removal

Another method we will tell you about is laser resurfacing of stretch marks using the Lumenis M22 machine, which works on the principle of fractional photothermolysis. The principle of operation is  in the penetration of a laser beam into the deep layers of the skin in order to destroy atrophic tissue. The procedure is completely painless and does not require rehabilitation. By the way, for greater efficiency, laser treatment is recommended to be combined with plasmolifting.

Removal of stretch marks with a laser.


The goal of mesotherapy for stretch marks is to get rid of a cosmetic defect, restoring the quality of the skin. This method involves the introduction of subcutaneous injections. The preparations contain substances that stimulate the dermis. Due to stimulation, the production of natural elastin and collagen increases, which in turn contribute to the regeneration of the epidermis. Mesotherapy is a good way to treat old stretch marks as well as prevent new ones.

Subcutaneous injections to remove stretch marks.

All of the above methods are successfully applied in the medical center “PRIZMA”. Our experts at a face-to-face consultation will determine which method will be more effective in your case.

Now you know how to reduce stretch marks on the body and you can approach the issue of correction with knowledge of the matter. Make an appointment and get a detailed consultation from our dermatologists-cosmetologists.

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