InnoDent: enamel regeneration and decay treatment without boring

INNODENT products.

Decay is probably the most common dental disease. And when it comes to its treatment, one automatically imagines a drilling machine sound …

Today we will acquaint you with a unique development of Swiss biologists geneticists, which can be justifiably deemed revolutionary in the sphere of dental treatment.

A real breakthrough was made by scientists! They developed the methodology thanks to which dental enamel can be recovered without boring and sealants.

InnoDent — is an innovative solution focused on natural regeneration of destroyed enamel. Such an effect is achieved owing biomineralization.

The advanced solution is applicable both for temporary and permanent teeth. Accordingly, two separate medications were developed — InnoDent Junior and InnoDent Repair. Decay treatment evokes absolutely no pain feelings and distress that is the most significant when it comes to treatment of kids.

InnoDent Junior and InnoDent Repair products.

For achievement of result only one visit to a dentist is sufficient. And the procedure in whole takes not more than 15-20 minutes!

How does InnoDent work

Tooth decay terminates in dental enamel destruction. For its recovery a protein amelogenin which plays a key role in this process is needed. InnoDent contains active biologic implants. Owing to them an organic enamel matrix is formed up of saliva minerals (phosphorus and calcium) which are similar to amelogenin.

The advantages of treatment with InnoDent

This innovative solution has many advantages:

  • No discomfort and pain feelings during visit to doctor-stomatologist.
  • Method of treatment is based on natural enamel regeneration.
  • Damaged enamel recovers completely.
  • Prevention of caries at the repeated administration of InnoDent from an early age.

InnoDent is indicated for treatment of:

  • Initial stage of decay;
  • Cracks and chips on enamel;
  • Stains after dental brackets;
  • Tooth sensitivity;
  • Dental fluorosis;
  • Hypoplasia in children.

How is treatment by InnoDent method carried out:

  1. Tooth surface is cleaned from organic and inorganic materials.
  2. Micropores are revealed by means of a special gel.
  3. Tooth is rinsed with water and dried.
  4. One drop of InnoDent dissolved in sterile water is drawn on the surface of enamel and held for several minutes.
  5. The substance enters micropores, after which its active action for tooth enamel regeneration starts.

One month from the day of procedure it is necessary to visit doctor for following-up of result, and in a half-year an X-ray scanning is prescribed.

Aesthetic dental clinic “PRIZMA” invites you to see efficacy of InnoDent method for yourself!

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