Invisalign – прозора альтернатива брекетам

If you wish to get a lovely smile with no tangible changes in habitual mode of life, then you should select Invisalign! The aesthetic dental clinic “PRIZMA” will help you with American invisible aligners!

Invisalign is a unique system of teeth alignment with by means of clear mouth guards. This is a revolution in dental solutions; an efficient method of ideal smile creation.

Invisalign represents a set of specific detachable absolutely invisible aligners which should be changed once per 2-3 weeks. During this period each aligner shifts teeth up to a particular setting, after which you will independently replace it with the next one.

All Invisalign aligners are manufactured in “Align Technology” laboratory (USA), for each patient personally, on the basis of pictures, pick-up impressions and photos made by doctor during your first visit.

During revisit you will see a personal promo ClinCheck with the use of 3D modeling of your teeth, where it will be graphically shown quite how your teeth will shift week by week, how much time such treatment takes and what result will be reached. In such a way you will be able to see how your smile will look like after treatment.

After you will have agreed upon the final outcome of treatment, a set of your personal aligners (mouth guards) will be manufactured. Each aligner differs somewhat from the previous one, owing to which your teeth are shifting to needed position.

Mouth guards should be worn during 22 hours a day. You will be able to eat as usual and follow oral hygiene without obstacles in the course of the treatment.

Treatment with Invisalign system will have no influence on your routine life: it will be invisible to others and comfortable.

Make an appointment in our dental clinic in Kiev,

and you will get a smile you’ve been always dreaming!

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