Simply everything is known about dental implantation. But some patients are not sure as before, whether placing an implant is safe, and keep wearing prostheses. Also, the opinion is that implant won’t do well and induce complications. We decided to throw light on such delusions.
What an implant is
Implant is a tooth backing or a post implantable into the lower or upper jawbone. After implant has been installed, a dental prosthesis is secured on it. Since an implant is installed into a bone, it serves as a fail-safe support for an artificial tooth.
Implant clinical survival rate
According to the statistics, implant clinical survival rate amounts to about 98%. Certainly, this is about patients with a total absence of counter-indications. In 87% of people implants serve for up to 25 years, in which case a correct oral hygiene is observed and professional cleaning is carried out annually.
Dental implantation: is it painful or not?
Prior to dental implantation a doctor shall use topical anesthesia. Owing to qualitative anesthetic agents, this will be sufficient to install some implants painlessly. During all operations a patient experiences sensations similar to those at conventional teeth treatment. After all, if you experience fear, implant surgeon or anesthesiologist will offer sedation to you — medicamental introduction to a sleep state.
Medication sleep is used:
- when installation of ten and more implants is needed with osteoplasty;
- if a patient suffers topical anesthesia allergy;
- at dent phobic reaction, unregulated emetic reflex, mental disorders.
Post-implantation pain
After completing of anesthesia effect, a patient will suffer delicacy and sensation of discomfort. There can be various reasons; however, it doesn’t mean to say that the implant is incompatible.
- Pain can be of a beating manner, sharp, compressive, lascinating, paroxysmal in the first postoperative evening, which will be compensated with pain medications prescribed by doctor.
- Pain sensations can be local, extended or shoot through.
- Sometimes gum itching may be evidenced at the place of implant.
Postoperative edema
At recovery of the entire dental arcade there is a chance of edema emerging within three days. It is not recommended to start driving this day. It is also not recommended to do sport, lift heavy objects, visit tanning salons, bath, and smoke or take alcohol within 14 days after implantation.
What complications can occur?
The main category of complications at installation of implants is a purulent infection. It is possible in cases when a doctor ignored counter-indications and also at non-observance of basic standards (antiseptics and aseptics). Therefore, it is strictly required that such serious operation as implantation is performed by experienced qualified implant surgeon, and the materials and tools are certified.
Counter-indications to implantation
Temporary counter-indications:
- acute infectious diseases;
- pregnancy;
- oral cavity and teeth diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis, rampant caries;
- bone atrophy (this problem is solved by way of augmentation or sinus elevation).
Besides, temporary counter-indications include patient’s age up to 21 year — by this time bone tissue has not formed completely yet.
Absolute counter-indications:
- thyroid diseases;
- oncology diseases;
- decompensated abnormalities of pneumonic and cardiovascular systems;
- diabetes mellitus of type I and of decompensated type II.
For conclusion
If doctor offers you to install dental implants, but you have doubts because of pain fear, ask your doctor to describe you a course of procedure. He will tell you about how it will be, whether it is painful and to what extent. In such a way you can make away with false concerns. Select a professional with whom you feel comfortable and whom you could trust.
Hopefully, we could answer the question: “Is dental implantation safe”, and now you will self confidently start your ways to a lovely smile!