Is it possible to take dental X-rays during pregnancy: answering the most pressing question?

A dentist shows a pregnancy X-ray.

Dental X-ray during pregnancy in early pregnancy and later is a question that interests many expectant mothers. Not so long ago, this procedure had a number of absolute contraindications. And in this list was also pregnancy. But what to do if you are worried about toothache, if there is an inflammatory process, there is a high probability of developing a purulent infection? Perhaps the risks in this case will be much more serious than an X-ray examination.

Now let us understand this issue in more detail. We will highlight a number of indications in which it is worthwhile to carry out this procedure. We will describe what consequences for the body can have this procedure at certain terms. We will advise how to minimize the various risks and try to give a detailed answer to the question “whether it is possible to do a dental X-ray for pregnant women”.

When dental x-rays are ordered for pregnant women

Dental X-ray is a diagnostic technique that is performed using X-rays. With its help, the dentist can detect hidden problems in the patient’s oral cavity, including inflammation, tumors, assess the condition of the tooth, root. Without x-rays, dental treatment is performed only if the problem has fully manifested itself and the doctor has no need to look for hidden pathologies. In other cases, this procedure is recommended.

So why do dental X-rays? The most common indications for its performance include:

  • the presence of serious focal infection, which is characteristic of deep caries in both one and several teeth;
  • difficulties in the development of wisdom teeth, the need for their removal: relevant for situations where the eights are not fully erupted, when they grow sideways;
  • suspicion of hidden problems in the tooth roots and crown part, periodontitis, inflammatory phenomena in the periodontal tissue;
  • pulpitis, need for nerve removal, canal filling;
  • trauma and fractures, as well as other damage to the tooth that needs to be repaired but cannot be seen with the naked eye.

This procedure is also prescribed in cases when it is necessary to see changes in the tissues of the jaw, teeth. The presence of even impressive practical skills will not allow the doctor to visually establish the placement of roots, the structure of the pulp chamber, dental canals. All this is relevant and in the treatment of expectant mothers. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a doctor to prescribe a dental X-ray during pregnancy.

This is the procedure that will prevent serious consequences, get rid of toothache. But it is only necessary to approach this process with much greater care and sensitivity than in work with other patients, taking into account the delicate condition of patients.

Different gestational ages and x-rays

A pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication to undergoing such a procedure as dental X-ray examination. If a serious pathology is detected, which may carry a potential risk to the health of the future mother, then it is not only possible, but also necessary to do it. The only thing is that it is necessary to choose the right time to undergo this diagnosis, as well as to take a number of measures that can increase the safety of the study.

If you tie dental X-ray in pregnancy to trimesters, there are a number of nuances:

  1. First trimester. During this period, the formation of vital organs of the fetus is observed. Accordingly, the risk of occurrence of certain pathologies will be very serious. Among the main dangers highlight the development of dystrophy, diseases of the hematopoietic system, frequent diarrhea, etc. Therefore, doctors do not recommend doing a dental X-ray in early pregnancy, if it does not pose a direct threat to the general condition of the future mother. The need for diagnostics in a small term is determined by the dentist in the course of consultations, comparing the benefits and potential threat.
  2. Second trimester. At this stage, all the organs of the child are formed, he is protected from various influences by the placenta layer. That is, external factors have a minimal impact on its development. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women treat teeth in the 2nd trimester. The most preferable time will be the end of this period.
  3. Third trimester. This is the time when the body of the future mom is preparing for childbirth. Here the sensitivity to external influences increases, which makes the risk of negative effects of X-rays higher. This can provoke premature labor, although the probability is quite low. That is, if there is a serious pathology or it is necessary to pull a tooth during pregnancy in the 3rd semester, then a picture can be taken. If you can do without and wait until the baby is born, then the procedure should be postponed to minimize the risks.

Once again, we would like to draw attention to the fact that the possibility of performing this diagnosis is determined by the dentist in advance, after familiarizing himself with the clinical picture of the patient and her general condition. If it turns out that there are problems that require serious dental intervention, it is optimal to undergo X-ray in the 2nd trimester. As for emergency cases, the doctor also makes the final decision. When there is a threat to the life of the expectant mother, X-rays will be performed not only in the 3rd trimester, but even in the 1st trimester.

Had a dental x-ray without knowing I was pregnant: what should I do?

What should you do if you have a dental x-ray without knowing you are pregnant? Alas, you can’t turn back the clock. But you should not panic too much about it. The fact is that dental X-rays give an ultra-low dose of radiation. The body recovers on its own, without requiring medical intervention. But to speed up this process, doctors recommend that pregnant women emphasize a balanced consumption of a number of products. Add to your diet a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins.

Ensure this can be achieved by consuming the following products:

An attractive pregnant woman is sitting on a couch.

  • sour cream cottage cheese, yogurt;
    meat, fish, eggs;
  • whole-grain bread;
  • fiber-rich fruits, vegetables;
  • green tea.

Thanks to a balanced diet, you will be able to minimize the negative impact of dental X-rays on the body of the future mother. These recommendations are shown to absolutely every pregnant woman, regardless of whether she has had her teeth treated or not, in which trimester of pregnancy it was.

How to take a dental X-ray for pregnant women: basic recommendations

Dental X-rays and pregnancy are quite compatible, but only when certain safety precautions are observed. Initially, you must inform the dentist about your position and indicate the actual gestational age. We have described that the possibility and safety of performing the diagnosis largely depends on this indicator.

The radiography itself is performed using appropriate precautions:

  • the patient’s abdomen, chest, and thighs are covered with a special apron with lead filling, which does not allow X-rays to pass through;
  • individual exposure is selected for each tooth, which minimizes the impact on other tissues and structures of the body;
  • special high-sensitivity film is used, which allows you to capture the tooth or jaw structures with minimal exposure to radiation.

It is also very important to have dental X-rays done on modern equipment for pregnant women. Clinics that offer you diagnostics on outdated film machines should be avoided. It is better to opt for medical centers that use computerized visiograph. It has a more localized effect and reduces the total radiation load by at least 10 times compared to older equipment.

These are the visiographs at the disposal of the medical center ” Prizma” in Kiev. We also have experienced doctors who are thoroughly familiar with the peculiarities of dental treatment for pregnant women. Turning to us for dental treatment, expectant mothers can be sure that they do not risk their health or the health of the future child.

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