For the attention of creditors of LLC “PRIZMA-13” LTD WITH FOREIGN INVESTMENT
(EDRPOU code 21649087):
Notice of a decrease in the authorized capital
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
In accordance with Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine “On Limited and Additional Liability Companies”, after a decision is made to reduce the authorized capital of a company, the executive body must notify each creditor in writing within 10 days, the requirements which the company is not secured by a pledge, guarantee or surety, on such a decision.
Guided by the requirements of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine “On Limited and Additional Liability Companies” LLC “PRIZMA-13” LTD WITH FI, we inform you the following:
By the decision of the participants of LLC PRIZMA-13 LTD WITH FI dated February 10, 2021, a decision was made to reduce the authorized capital of LLC PRIZMA-13 LTD WITH FI. The size of the authorized capital of PRIZMA-13 LTD WITH FI is reduced by UAH 5,244,264.28.
The new size of the authorized capital of PRIZMA-13 LTD WITH FI is set at UAH 18,000,000.00. The number of participants and the percentage distribution of shares between the participants remains unchanged.
Creditors can familiarize themselves with the documents on the decision to reduce the authorized capital at the location of LLC “PRIZMA-13” LTD WITH FI on working days from 10 to 12:00 within the period stipulated by the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine at the address: Kiev , Ukraine, st. Peter Sahaydachny, 25, office 32. Pre-registration by phone: (044) 4624818.