Order of appearance and change of milk teeth: table

A girl shows a pulled baby tooth.

Parents of toddlers are always concerned about the period of change of milk teeth. After all, this is a long process and may be accompanied by pain and even inflammation. Also, mothers and fathers is important that the permanent teeth grow evenly. In this article we will talk about the order of appearance of baby teeth and permanent change.

When teeth are laid?

Baby teeth are put on 4-6 weeks of intrauterine development of the embryo. There are teeth in different ways — someone in 4 months, and someone in 7 months. If a child is on formula feeding, it is important that the diet was sufficient calcium. After all, it forms the tooth enamel.

What is the order of appearance of the first tooth?

The first teeth in an infant.

Toddlers order of appearance of the teeth is as follows:

  • The lower central incisors.
  • The upper central incisors.
  • Side lower incisors.
  • Side of the upper incisors.
  • The first premolars.
  • Canines.
  • The second premolars.

Terms of change of milk teeth

Loss of primary teeth in children comes to the initial school period — 6-7 years, the teeth completely replaced by the constant in the 11-12 years:

Name tooth Time teething Loss time
The upper teeth
The central incisor 8-12 months 6-7 years
Side cutter 9-13 months 7-8 years
Fang 16-22 months 10-12 years
The first premolars 13-19 months 9-11 years
The second premolars 25-33 months 10-12 years
The lower teeth
The central incisor 6-10 months 6-7 years
Side cutter 10-16 months 7-8 years
Fang 17-23 months 9-12 years
The first premolars 14-18 months 9-11 years
The second premolars 23-31 months 10-12 years

Do not worry if the time of the appearance of the first tooth or the procedure is not the same as all individually. The main thing you should pay attention — first teeth to appear up to a year. Otherwise, it is necessary to show the child to the dentist.

What if the teeth grow irregularly?

This is the primary teeth. With the growth they «are» commensurate with the value of the child’s jaw. Sometimes the teeth do not keep up with the rate of development of jaw and then they can move apart, forming a gap. Often intervals are symmetrical and do not worry about anything, but to avoid possible problems, a visit to the dentist does not hurt.

Change of baby teeth.

Should we treat milk teeth?

Baby teeth are highly susceptible to decay. Some believe that we should not be alarmed, because then there will be permanent. But this is not so, because the permanent teeth are located very close to the root of milk, and this can affect their development. Therefore, as soon as you notice a dark spot, make an appointment with a doctor, who will decide on the treatment of dental caries.

What to look for when changing teeth

While brushing your teeth, make sure that the baby does not hurt the gums. If a baby tooth becomes mobile, watch the degree of mobility, in time to remove it in order to prevent an uneven position of the permanent teeth that erupt. In this case it is better not to delay and time to see a dentist.

In addition to health, follow the diet of the child — in his diet should include cottage cheese, milk, broccoli, spinach, nuts (especially almonds), fish, beans. It is in these products contain a high content of calcium.

Now that you know the procedure for change of milk teeth, and about what you should pay attention. Clinic aesthetic dentistry «PRIZMA» healthy tooth wants your kids!


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