Wrinkles around the eyes or, as they are called in the common people, “crow’s feet” is something that upsets all girls very much. Moreover, the fight against these treacherous creases can begin as early as 25-26 years old, and if you’re lucky, then from 30. Today in cosmetology there are many ways to treat wrinkles around the eyes – from grandmother’s recipes to modern injection techniques.
Why do crow’s feet appear around the eyes?
Before we get into the miracle cures, let’s take a look at the causes of under eye wrinkles.
It is generally accepted that the appearance of “rays” is the first signs of aging and withering of the skin. But it is not so. The fact is that the facial muscles around the eyes, unlike the skeletal ones, do not have a double attachment to the bones, but are woven into the skin. Such muscles do not have a sheath (fascia), therefore, when contracted, they set the skin in motion.
We also know that the skin around the eyes is devoid of fat, resulting in a whopping 4 times thinner skin than other areas of the face.</p >
Therefore, “crow’s feet” around the eyes can be provoked by the following factors:
- insufficient hydration and neglect of sunscreens;
- skin stretching (frequent rubbing of the eyes, stretching during make-up removal);
- dryness of the dermis, a tendency to allergic manifestations;
- frequent lack of sleep and stress;
- smoking and alcohol;
- violation of water-salt metabolism;
- excessive facial expressions;
- rejection of corrective and sunglasses, which causes the habit of squinting;
- unfavorable environmental conditions.
As you can see, there are enough reasons for the appearance of crow’s feet under the eyes and it’s not about aging at all. Of course, it is better to resort to preventive measures, starting from the age of 18-20. But if you have already noticed in the mirror that the process has begun, then it is never too late to start leaving.
Injections for wrinkles under the eyes
Wrinkle removalby injection is an effective way to restore youthfulness to the skin , freshness and radiance. Some are wary of such techniques, worrying that they will look unnatural. But do not be afraid – in the hands of professionals, injections become an artist’s eraser that will erase wrinkles from your face.
If the “crow’s feet” around the eyes are the result of dry and dehydrated skin, you don’t get enough rest, then the biorevitalization method is what you need. Biorevitalization is the introduction of injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. The main task of the procedure is to moisturize the skin, increase its turgor and stimulate collagen production. After a course of biorevitalization (3-5 procedures), wrinkles are smoothed out, the face looks rested and acquires an even healthy tone.
A unique method that helps in a number of different cosmetic problems: wrinkles, rosacea, acne, peeling, hyperpigmentation, etc. The essence of plasmolifting is that the patient is given his own plasma. To do this, a dermatologist takes blood, processes it in a centrifuge, releasing plasma, which is enriched with vitamins, amino acids and mineral elements, after which this cocktail is injected under the skin. The effect is noticeable almost immediately after the procedure – there is no trace of “crow’s feet”, moreover, the body starts the process of natural regeneration.
Botulinum Therapy
Botulinum therapy is a subcutaneous injection method that blocks the ability of muscles to contract, as a result, small and medium wrinkles are smoothed out. The drug contains botulinum toxin type A, which is the causative agent of botulism. In small amounts, botulinum toxin is a real panacea in the fight for smooth skin. The effect of botulinum therapy lasts up to 6-8 months, as the drug is gradually excreted by the body. After that, the procedure can be repeated.
If you’re not ready for drastic measures yet, then check out the advice of traditional medicine. But it should be noted that all these recipes are not as effective as modern cosmetology.
How to get rid of crow’s feet around the eyes?
You may have heard from your grandmother or mother that unsweetened tea or chamomile tea is the best skin cleanser. They can act as a good tonic, but the creases will not smooth out. What else can help us?
Anti-Wrinkle Oils
Oils are in many home care recipes. They are able to moisturize and nourish the dermis, so for the skin around the eyes – this is just what you need.
Olive oil
Olive oil is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. There are also vitamins (E, A, D, K, B), and trace elements (calcium, iron, copper), and monounsaturated fatty acids. For cosmetic care of wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to apply a small amount of oil, preheating it. After 30 minutes, remove the residue with a dry cloth. Repeat the procedure every evening for 2 weeks, repeat the course every 3 months.
Sesame oil
Sesame oil in its composition contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids, as well as Sesamol is a natural UV filter. Therefore, the use of this oil in the summer is simply a must do. You can apply oil in the same way as olive oil, or you can make a mixture of sesame oil and cocoa powder. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of the indicated ingredients, mix, apply on the face (including the area near the eyes) and lie down to rest for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and enjoy the skin. Such a mask helps not only from wrinkles around the eyes, but also from nasolabial folds.
It would not be enough to describe all the oils and recipes that are suitable for skin care under the eyes. Therefore, we simply list those that are suitable for use: peach, jojoba, grape seed, almond, avocado. There are a huge number of ways to use the Internet, so finding “your” tool and experimenting is not difficult.
Avocado fruit mask
Avocado is extremely useful to eat and make various cosmetic masks with it. Here is the simplest recipe: crush the pulp of half an avocado in mashed potatoes and add 1 quail egg yolk. Apply to the area under the eyes, and wipe the upper eyelid with a whole slice of avocado. Rinse with room temperature water and then apply moisturizer. This mask nourishes and enriches the skin very well, as a result of which it looks fresher and toned. The mask can be done 2 times a week.
Gold Turmeric Mask
Another simple but effective tool in the fight against wrinkles is a warming mask that activates the synthesis of your own elastin and collagen. To prepare the mask, take:
- 0.5 coffee spoon of turmeric;
- 1 coffee spoon of soda;
- a teaspoon of the juice of any citrus fruit (orange, lime, lemon) mixed with a teaspoon of water.
First, mix the turmeric and soda, and then gradually drip the juice until a thin slurry forms. The mass foams and hisses, as a neutralization reaction occurs. Next, we take halves of cotton pads, moisten them in water, then in the resulting mass and apply under the eye (In no case do we use such a mask on the upper eyelid!). Let stand for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply cream. In the process, the skin may tingle, if it stings strongly – rinse immediately. This mask should be done at night 1 time in 3 days.
Hopefully we have clarified the issue of how to remove crow’s feet around the eyes. If you are inclined towards the methods of modern cosmetology, sign up for a consultation at the Prizma Medical Center. Our experts will select the method and care that suits you personally.