RF-lifting: an effective method of non-surgical rejuvenation

A woman enjoys the RF-lifting procedure.

RF-lifting, aka radiofrequency, radio wave lifting, radiolifting, thermolifting – is a highly effective, safe for health technology, the action of which is aimed at providing a rejuvenating effect. In the course of the procedure provides a point impact on the epidermis using electromagnetic waves of high frequency. Due to the controlled heating of the surface improves the therapeutic effect, strengthens the structure, stimulates the production of collagen. The skin is tightened, revitalized, rejuvenated without invasive intervention.

Now we will dwell in more detail on what is RF lifting, what types of procedures exist and how they work. We will highlight the main indications and contraindications of the technique, its effectiveness. We will describe how the procedure is carried out, what possible risks and side effects are observed. We will give recommendations on the frequency of such lifting and indicate cosmetic measures that will increase its effectiveness.

Radiowave lifting: what is this procedure

RF-lifting is a technology that is more than 100 years old. It was created to treat bones and joints, but over the past 10-15 years it has been actively used by cosmetologists. In particular, today it is included in the basic complex of anti-aging therapy. Due to the effect on the epidermis of high-frequency currents provides a general positive effect on the skin.

Such lifting is completely painless and does not cause discomfort for the patient. All that will feel a person – a slight tingling and pleasant warmth in the area of exposure. The duration of the procedure takes no more than an hour. Different areas can be treated:

  • face;
  • neck and décolletage;
  • abdomen and thighs;
  • periorbital area.

Due to the absence of traumatic effects on the skin, side effects are minimized. Individual adverse reactions are very rare. The skin is not traumatized, which eliminates the need for complex rehabilitation. The greatest effect of radio wave lifting is observed in patients aged 35-55 years, that is, with low and middle age changes.

RF lifting: indications and contraindications

Like any other cosmetic manipulation, RF-lifting of the face and body has a number of indications, as well as contraindications. And they should be guided in order to understand whether this technique is suitable for you.
A woman undergoing a tummy tuck procedure.

Indications for RF-lifting

RF-lifting is indicated for patients with moderate symptoms of aging. A wide range of cosmetic problems can be solved with this procedure:

  • Reduced elasticity and turgor, laxity.
  • Mimic, age wrinkles on the neck, décolleté, face, eyelid skin. The procedure can remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes, drooping upper eyelid, a network of fine lines in the corners of the eyes, in the nasolabial triangle.
  • Gravitational lowering of the skin, which manifests itself in a change in the shape of the face, the emergence of the second chin, bursts.
  • Laxity in the abdomen, on the inner part of the arms, thighs. Radiowave lifting also removes stretch marks, scar tissue, external signs of cellulite.

Contraindications to RF-lifting

The procedure is prescribed for women in whom the body’s collagen production has already slowed down. Such changes are observed from about 25 years of age. Therefore, at an earlier age, RF-lifting is not recommended. Also, this procedure is not performed on patients who have:

  • benign and malignant tumors, regardless of their location;
  • chronic pathologies in the period of exacerbation;
  • acute infectious diseases, including fever;
  • urolithiasis and other diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • various diseases of the cardiovascular system, including the presence of a pacemaker, suspected stroke, heart attack, pathologies of venous valves, varicose veins of the upper and lower extremities;
  • localized skin injuries, including small wounds, dermatitis, eczema, pustules;
  • metal implants, any electronic devices on the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

RF-lifting: sequence of the procedure

Radiofrequency lifting is performed on specialized equipment capable of generating waves within the frequency range of 3 to 9 MHz. Preliminary preparation of the procedure is not assumed. The only thing is that if the patient has too dry, dehydrated skin, it may be recommended to undergo a course of moisturizing with the use of special masks or injections of hyaluronic acid.
A facial treatment in a cosmetology center.

RF skin lifting is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Preparatory stage. Here, the patient’s skin is mainly cleaned from the remains of decorative cosmetics and other contaminants.
  2. The elevator itself. Initially, a layer of special gel is applied to the skin, which will act as a conductor. The most safe components that do not cause allergic reactions are used. The treatment itself is carried out with the help of a nozzle. At the same time as heating, a light massage effect is provided.
  3. Completion of the procedure involves removal of gel residue. Then special soothing products or nourishing masks are applied. Also provided recommendations for skin care for the next few days: refrain from visiting the sauna, do not conduct heat procedures. The arsenal of cosmetics used should include only those preparations that will be recommended by the cosmetologist.

The doctor who will perform RF-lifting is familiarized with the state of the patient’s skin, selecting the optimal settings of the device. The desired effect and the area of treatment are also taken into account.

RF-lifting: expected effect

The effectiveness of RF-lifting patient will be able to feel after the first few sessions. The skin will become firmer, more elastic, increases turgor. Fine wrinkles, folds, creases will gradually begin to smooth out.

The overall benefit of RF-lifting consists of:

  • face contour tightening, elimination of folds, sagging cheeks;
  • shrinking pores;
  • equalizing the shade: the skin regains a healthy appearance;
  • leveling of micro-relief;
  • elimination of external symptoms of photoaging.

If the procedure was carried out in the abdomen and thighs, volume reduction is observed, the external manifestations of cellulite are reduced. The skin becomes more elastic, taut.

The achieved effect will persist for about 1 year, after which the lifting complex is recommended to repeat. Launched the process of cell renewal will independently go another 6 months after the last procedure. Increase the effectiveness and prolong the effect of lifting will allow regular visits to the beautician and the use of care products that will be recommended by him. In some cases, additional supportive procedures may be indicated.

RF-lifting: possible adverse reactions

Preliminary consultation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist, compliance with their recommendations minimize the negative consequences of the procedure. In these cases, there is no need for complex rehabilitation after RF-lifting.

In the first time after treatment may be observed: redness and mild swelling.

A doctor performs an RF-lifting procedure on a woman's abdomen.

In their majority, these manifestations pass on their own after a few days, without requiring the intervention of specialists. But if the discomfort does not go away after a few days, it will be necessary to seek medical advice. There is a possibility of an individual reaction of the body to the impact of high-frequency currents.

Duration of the RF-lifting course

The specialist will tell you exactly how many RF-lifting procedures you need to do after getting acquainted with your skin and your wishes on the effect to be provided. On average, a total course of procedures that are performed on the face, neck, décolletage, involves 5-10 sessions at intervals once a month, but not more often than every 3 weeks. It can be done at any time of the year. But if you do it in the summer season, it is worth worrying in the first few days after the procedure to protect the skin from heat and sun exposure.

RF-lifting in the abdomen and thighs will also consist of 5-10 procedures, but they can be carried out every 10 days. Here the effect is retained for about 1.5-2 years.

How to increase the effectiveness of RF-lifting?

The effectiveness of radio wave lifting can be enhanced by combining it with cosmetic procedures such as:

  • photorejuvenation;
  • mesotherapy;
  • apparatus or manual anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage massage;
  • myostimulation;
  • biorevitalization.

The necessary complex of care measures the doctor selects individually for each patient. You can also contact him with questions about whether you can do RF-lifting after fillers, what procedures should be avoided in the near future after skin treatment. Following the recommendations, you can increase the effectiveness of the course, avoid complications, negative reactions.

For such consultations and the RF-lifting procedure itself, you can contact the cosmetologists of the medical center ” Prizma” in Kiev. You can contact managers by phone or through online communication services.

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