Schedule of work on holidays

Holiday Work Schedule.Friends, we only have 2 days off during the holidays, January 1 and 7, 2018. On all other days, our doors are open for you from 8.00 to 20.00.

If you’re not going anywhere and don’t have any plans, come visit us for facial and body treatments or dental aesthetic treatments to make your charming smile blow everyone away.

Pre-registration by phone (044) 425-03-13, +38(050)346-13-13, +38(067)411-13-13 or on the site.

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Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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