Acupuncture, it is also reflexotherapy, it is also needle therapy – the direction of traditional Chinese medicine, the essence of which is the insertion of thin needles at biologically active points, through which the therapeutic effect on the body takes place.

As early as in ancient China – it was first discovered that bioactive points are arranged in such a way as to create sequential pathways that connect the internal organs in a particular way. These pathways are called meridians and “vital energy” flows through them. Stagnation or disbalance of this energy leads to the development of diseases. Therefore, when activated by needles, the vital energy starts to flow in balance in the body and this eliminates the cause of the pain.

Reflexologist installs needles in the area of the hand.

So the Chinese wisdom says, and in our understanding the following happens.

As a result of the impact on the bioactive point, there is a response in the form of improvement of blood circulation, which ensures proper nutrition of the cells and tissue in the area where the needle is inserted, and in the organs, for which this point is responsible.

Special features of acupuncture in Kyiv

The main purpose of acupuncture (needle therapy) is to stimulate the nerve endings in order to get a response from the nervous and endocrine systems, or from the internal organs.  With the help of acupuncture, the reflexologist is able to influence the internal organs, musculoskeletal functions of the body, tissues and glands.

There are more than 1,500 biologically active points on the human body, but only the most important of them are used. Each of the points has a different specific purpose.  In addition to their responsibility for a particular organ or part of the body, they have different functions.

The functions of the points can be divided into relaxing, stimulating and diagnostic. By using various techniques and acting on certain points, the specialist balances the flow of life energy along the meridians, relieving the pain.

The acupuncture doctor at the PRIZMA Medical Centre is a reflexologist. The method is only administered after a doctor has made a diagnosis and is only carried out by a person qualified in acupuncture.


Acupuncture is a non-medication treatment (without the use of drugs). So if you have allergic reactions to any medication, you can pay attention to this method of treatment.

Acupuncture is the most effective treatment for diseases of the nervous system, back pain, osteochondrosis, herniated discs and protrusion, problems with the digestive system and of the heart.

Acupuncture in the back and neck area at Prizma Medical Center in Kiev.

If you have these symptoms:

  • Headache or dizziness;
  • Chronic pain in the neck and back;
  • Numbness in the hands;
  • Seizures in the arms and legs;
  • Dyspnoea and heart palpitations;
  • Sleep disturbances;
  • A depressive mood;
  • Problems in concentration and attention.

Sign up for an acupuncture session at the PRIZMA Medical Center.

But don’t look at acupuncture as a “panacea” for all diseases. It will not replace the effect of antibiotics or surgical treatment, but it will make a big difference in quality of life as it relieves painful symptoms.

How does an acupuncture session take place?

Before starting the acupuncture procedure, the specialist will take a medical history and listen to the patient’s complaints. If you have any diagnostic tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography (CT) scans, be sure to take them to the consultation. This will help to choose the right treatment course.

There is minimized skin damage when the needle is inserted. At our PRIZMA Medical Centre the reflexologist uses an individual set of needles for each patient.

From the information that is obtained, the doctor will determine bioactive points, the number of needles and the depth to which they will be inserted.

In a single acupuncture session, a reflexologist can insert from 2 to 20 needles. It is almost painless as the needles are very thin and they are inserted very quickly. You may feel a slight tingling sensation on your skin. You will not feel any discomfort, but you may feel a sensation of a foreign body.  The specialist will carefully check your body’s reaction and indicate which active points can be stimulated during the next session.

The duration of a session varies in time and can start from 20 minutes and go up to 1.5 hours. A course of sessions is usually recommended. Depending on the diagnosis, an average of 10 sessions is prescribed with an interval of 1-2 days.

Treatment results

After acupuncture sessions, overall health improves, a good mood returns and pain is relieved. It also increases your immunity, improves blood circulation and the function of the nervous system.

To make an appointment for acupuncture, you should first have a consultation with a reflexologist. You can book an appointment with our reflexologist by clicking on the quick appointment button on the website or by making a call to our administrator on the phone numbers listed on the website.

A specialist who carries out acupuncture


Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Acupuncture therapy 800
Acupuncture (10 sessions) 7 600
Consultation of a reflexologist 1 000
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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