The peculiarity of this procedure is the deep impact on the subcutaneous fatty tissue. This leads to improved blood circulation in the problem area, triggers the process of elastin and collagen production. After a course of procedures, the amount of fat deposits in the problem area is noticeably reduced, the skin gets rid of orange peel, becomes firmer and tighter. If you are interested in professional and anti-cellulite massage in Kiev, please contact Prizma Medical Center . You will get a result that will exceed your expectations.

Cellulite problem

Cellulite is a pathology of the subcutaneous tissue, associated with a slowdown in metabolic processes and blood circulation in fat cells. It occurs in most women over 16-18 years of age. Men are not subject to such pathology, which modern medicine explains by the peculiarities of the hormonal background, accumulation and the very structure of the fat cell. Often cellulite develops as a result of hormonal disorders, malfunctions in the pancreas, thyroid gland, hypodynamia, unbalanced diet, being in stressful situations, alcohol consumption, smoking and other bad habits.

Today there are 4 stages of cellulite development:Cellulite on a woman's leg.

  1. One. Does not have an external manifestation. Changes in the structure of the skin can be noticed only after pressing on it. So its uneven structure is manifested, bumpiness becomes visible, which is also called orange peel.
  2. The second. Here already the skin becomes more dense, which will indicate a violation of blood circulation in this area. The unevenness of the relief becomes visible to the naked eye.
  3. Third. The situation is aggravated, the orange peel becomes more and more pronounced.
  4. Fourth. Along with pronounced lumpiness, there is nodularity, excessive swelling. When pressing on the skin may feel soreness.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to smooth out the relief with diet and exercise. One of the most effective solutions in this situation is an anti-cellulite massage. Thanks to such a point impact on the problem area will soften the fatty tissue, improve local blood circulation, and remove excess fluid. Moreover, massage helps to thin the fat layer, collagen production. To get the most pronounced long-term result, it is recommended to take a full course, because single sessions will not give tangible changes.

Features of anti-cellulite massage

Anti-cellulite massage in Kiev from Prizma Medical Center involves the use of different techniques:

  1. Stroking. With it begins and ends the session. Such manipulations contribute to the improvement of local blood circulation.
  2. Intense rubbing, involving displacement of the skin. Provides a point impact on subcutaneous fat deposits, promotes fluid removal and reducing the volume of fat layer.
  3. Patting of different intensities. Such actions of the masseur are designed to increase the tone of muscle tissue.
  4. A combination of deep and superficial pressure. Contributes to the softening of fatty tissue, improves blood microcirculation and the general condition of connective tissue.

Session of anti-cellulite massage.

The anti-cellulite massage course is performed in strict accordance with the relevant protocols and regulations. In particular, the outer surface of the thighs is worked from top to bottom, and the inner surface, on the contrary – from bottom to top. The effect on the buttocks is circular movements from the center to the sides.

Anti-cellulite massage effect

Massage from cellulite provides the following effect on the problem area:

  • improvement of local blood circulation, which will positively affect the normalization of metabolic reactions;
  • reduction of fat deposits;
  • internal cell renewal;
  • removal of excess moisture, toxins and toxins from the body, which will lead to the elimination of swelling and general recovery;
  • increasing muscle tone, improving the elasticity of tissues, reducing tension in them.

After the procedure, the surface of buttocks, thighs becomes smoother, tighter, volumes are reduced, relief is equalized. Thanks to the synthesis of collagen, elastin, the achieved effect is retained for a fairly long period of time.

In its majority course of anti-cellulite massage in Kiev consists of 12-15 sessions. The first positive changes will already be noticeable after 5-6 procedures. But in the event that the situation is sufficiently neglected, which is characteristic of the 3-4 stage, it may be recommended to pass 2, or even 3 full courses. The optimal number of procedures will be determined by the doctor after getting acquainted with the clinical picture.Hardware treatment of cellulite.

Anti-cellulite massage contraindications

We do not conduct anti-cellulite massage in Kiev patients diagnosed with the following conditions:

  • thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncologic diseases;
  • inflammatory pathologies in the acute phase, accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • a number of skin diseases, violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  • epilepsy.

Contraindications also include pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, which is associated with hormonal disorders. The effectiveness of procedures in such cases will be quite low.

Anti-cellulite massage in Kiev: basic types

Depending on the condition of the patient’s skin, her individual wishes, Prizma Medical Center can conduct massage from cellulite in Kiev of the following varieties:

  • manual, involving the impact on the problem area with hands;
  • lymphatic drainage, contributing to the improvement of lymphatic outflow, removal of water and toxins from the tissues;
  • hardware anti-cellulite massage with the use of a vibro-massager, special devices for roller or vacuum massaging, involves exposure to energy zones to improve lymphatic flow, blood circulation, metabolic reactions.

Massage therapists of our medical center will guide you in more detail in the peculiarities of each procedure and help you to choose the option that will be most effective in your case.

Best prices for anti-cellulite massage in Kiev

To ensure the highest possible effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage, to prevent various negative reactions from the body will allow a clear adherence to technology and professional implementation. The best masseur with extensive practical experience works in our medical center. The procedure itself will take place in the most relaxed, comfortable environment, and at the end of the course you will see an excellent result, which will last as long as possible.

To find out the price of anti-cellulite massage in Kiev, as well as to sign up for a course of procedures contact us by phone or use online services.

Specialists who perform anti-cellulite massage

Massage therapist

Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Therapeutic anti-cellulite massage, 75 minutes 1 451
Therapeutic anti-cellulite massage, 75 minutes (5 sessions) 6 891
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
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aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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