The surface of chewing teeth has a complex relief. Grooves and depressions on chewing teeth are called fissures. These “holes” are difficult to access for high-quality hygiene, so the risk of caries on chewing teeth is very high. Children’s permanent teeth are especially susceptible to damage, so it is very important to take timely measures to protect vulnerable enamel.

The Department of Aesthetic Dentistry at Prizma Medical Center invites your little ones to undergo a fissure sealing procedure. This is an excellent preventive method against caries.

Examination of teeth before the fissure sealing procedure.

Fissure sealing – caries prevention

Tooth fissure sealing is a dental procedure aimed at sealing recesses in order to prevent the occurrence of caries and destruction of enamel. This method is completely painless. As a sealant, a liquid filling material is used, which contains calcium and fluorine, which contribute to the nutrition of the teeth, reducing the risk of caries.

Indications for fissure sealing:

  • deep, narrow fissures of chewing teeth at the stage of enamel development.

Procedure steps

Stages of fissure sealing.

Teeth sealing in children is carried out in several stages:

1. Preparation

Fissures are carefully cleaned from plaque, treated with an antiseptic, dried, and isolated from saliva.

2. Enamel treatment

The second stage consists in treating the tooth with a primer, which provides better adhesion of the sealant to the enamel.

3. Sealing

Direct sealing of the tooth with a light-curing sealant.

4. Polishing and finishing

With the help of polishing, the remnants of the material are removed, the tooth is treated with varnish with fluorine.

When to do the procedure?

To achieve the maximum effect, fissure sealing in children should be performed immediately after the appearance of a permanent tooth. At the age of 6-8 years, molars (sixes) are sealed, at 10-11 years old – premolars (fours and fives), and at 12-13 years old – second molars (sevens).

How often should teeth sealing be done?

The answer to this question is individual in each case. It all depends on how quickly the sealant wears out. Someone walks with him for 3 years, and someone needs to repeat the procedure in a year. In any case, a preventive examination is required every six months.

Our specialists

Svitlana Baranovska
Dental therapist
Dental therapist

Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Sealing of milk tooth fissures 660
Non-invasive sealing of permanent tooth fissures (no more than a month has passed since eruption) 960
Invasive sealing of molar fissures (more than a month has passed since the eruption) 1 200
Fissure sealing by laser 1 440
Coating the fissures of one tooth with sealant 960
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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