It is performed with the help of a special jade scraper. The effectiveness of such a procedure directly depends on the professionalism in its implementation. Medical Center “Prizma” conducts guasha massage in Kiev in strict accordance with the technology, which ensures high performance.

Guasha massage: what it is

Guasha massage combines unique techniques that have been used in China since ancient times. The name itself hides the orientation and technique with which this procedure is carried out. Two characters, which designate the Chinese massage guasha translate as “scrub in one direction” and “bad”.

It is performed using a special scraper made of jade plates or animal horns. At the same time, the size and shape of such scrapers can be different, which allows to provide the most uniform impact on different parts of the body. Using these scrapers the masseur cleans meridians on the human body, thus opening them for circulation of Qi energy in the right directions. In this case, the so-called dirty energy is removed, and with it all those diseases that it provoked. Also the impact on biologically active points will stimulate the immune system, which will increase its resistance to negative external influences, improve health and well-being in general.

A woman at a guasha massage.

Body guasha massage provides the following effects:

  • eliminates muscle spasms, improves muscle tone;
  • normal blood circulation is restored;
  • swelling is reduced, as well as discomfort and pain associated with it;
  • metabolic reactions are identified, toxins are eliminated;
  • functional activity is restored;
  • absorption of useful vitamins and trace elements is improved at the intracellular level;
  • inflammatory reactions are stopped;
  • joint mobility is improved;
  • keratinized top layer of epidermis is removed;
  • resorption of adhesions, overall improvement of skin condition.

All these points have led to the fact that this Chinese technology has become actively used in various areas of medicine, cosmetology. This massage can be performed on the back, arms, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, face.

Guasha therapy: indications

Guasha therapy can be administered to patients diagnosed with:

  • frequent colds;
  • gallbladder dyskinesia;
  • headaches;
  • joint mobility problems;
  • adhesions;
  • muscle and spasmodic pain;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • circulatory disorders in the arms or legs;
  • various female pathologies;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal tract problems;
  • insomnia, nervous overexcitement, etc.

Guasha massage: contraindications

Along with a large number of indications, guasha body massage also has a number of contraindications:
The Guasha scrubbers.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding, menstruation;
  • presence of open wounds on the skin, as well as various skin diseases in the acute phase;
  • severe varicose veins, hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • oncologic, cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute mental disorders, the patient’s stay in the stage of alcohol or drug intoxication.

Before prescribing guasha massage, the doctor will conduct a consultation and assess the possibility of applying this technique to a particular patient. In this way, the various risks can be minimized and the effectiveness of the procedure can be improved.

Guasha massage: how the procedure is performed

The guasha massage of the back, legs, arms and other parts of the body itself involves acting on certain points that interact with certain organs and systems in the body. This triggers natural recovery processes, metabolic reactions, tissue regeneration, and intensifies lymphatic circulation. Depending on which zone is treated, the massage technology itself can be slightly adjusted. In particular, it is about the direction of the lines along which the scraper will move. Of the main meridians for the passage of the scraper, it is worth highlighting:

  • anteromedian and posterior median meridian;
  • gallbladder meridian;
  • bladder meridian;
  • triple heater meridian, etc.

The massage technique itself may also vary. During guasha, the practitioner may apply the following types of pressure to the skin:

  1. Fast with sufficiently strong pressure. They are aimed at removing excess negative energy, and with it the associated diseases.
  2. Slow movements with weak pressure. Such an impact has a general tonic effect.
  3. Medium speed and medium pressure. Provides purification of the body from bad energy, improves local blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels.

In the same treatment, the practitioner can combine different techniques in order to maximize the effect. During the massage, the patient’s skin turns red, and some time after the massage, the skin will have brighter spots, which are called sha spots. Their color will directly depend on the type of disease and its stage. In most cases, after 2-3 days, sha spots disappear, which means that the skin regains a uniform and natural color.

Chinese medicine explains the appearance of such spots as the start of the process of eliminating bad substances from the body, which are produced in one or another pathological condition. They will be most vivid after the first session, while with each new session they will become less and less pronounced both in size and color intensity. In the majority of patients, by the end of the guasha massage cycle, the spots do not appear on the skin at all. This indicates that congestion in certain areas of the body has been eliminated.A girl with clean skin and a guasha scrubber.

To obtain a stable and lasting effect, guasha massage is recommended to be carried out in courses of 10-20 procedures. It all depends on the problem with which the patient seeks help, as well as the degree of its neglect. In this case, the frequency of procedures is once every 3-5 days. To maintain a stable result, the cycle of massages can be held 2 times a year.

Guidelines for guasha massage

Such a Chinese method of treatment of various diseases, such as guasha massage, involves compliance with a number of recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, as well as after it, it is recommended to strengthen the drinking regimen. In particular, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of warm non-carbonated water. This is due to the fact that the process of active elimination of toxins will be accompanied by a loss of fluid, which will need to be restored.
  2. Come to the massage should not come directly after eating, but also not on an empty stomach. The optimal time interval after breakfast, lunch – 1.5-3 hours.
  3. The presence of alcohol, drug intoxication makes such a procedure unpredictable, dangerous. That is why such conditions are included in the contraindications to guasha massage.
  4. Regardless of which meridians the movement of the scraper passes through, the doctor will bypass the moles on the body.
  5. The duration of the procedure takes on average 25-30 minutes, if it is carried out for therapeutic purposes, and up to 40 minutes, if with a preventive purpose.
  6. The interval between sessions is selected so that the red spots from the previous procedure have completely drained away.
  7. After the first few procedures, patients may note the exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of a specific body odor, a sharp drop in strength. All these are the results of stimulation of internal metabolic reactions and removal of toxins from the body. This is not a cause for panic, as the course goes on, such symptoms will decrease and will be completely gone by the end of the cycle of sessions.

Guasha massage at the best price in Kiev

Despite the fact that guasha massage is a non-traditional medicine, it is increasingly recommended to provide a general health-improving effect on the body, as well as for the prevention of various pathological conditions. In our medical center, this massage is performed by doctors with impressive practical skills. They are thoroughly familiar with both the technology of massage and the effect that will be provided as a result.

To make an appointment for a consultation, to find out the price of guasha massage, contact our medical center by phone or send a request via the feedback form.

Specialists performing massage GUA SHA in Kiev


Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Guasha massage 800
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
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