Plasmolifting in dentistry is a unique injection method aimed at regeneration of processes in tissues. The procedure is used to treat gum diseases. The main objectives of the method are to eliminate inflammation, start the process of restoring shape, color and structure of gums, and prevent depletion of bone tissue.

Plasmolifting of the gums.

When plasmolifting is prescribed

“PRIZMA” aesthetic dentistry performs gum plazmolifting for treatment of the following diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • periimplantitis;
  • generalized periodontitis;
  • localized periodontitis;
  • prevention of periodontal diseases.

How gum plasmolifting is carried out

For this procedure, a patient shall give a small amount of blood (about 9 ml). Plasma is released from the blood by treatment in a special centrifuge. This plasma concentrate is platelet rich, but also contains proteins that are responsible for a growth factor. Proteins are involved in tissue repair, as well as attract stem cells and stimulate their division.

Plasma is injected into the damaged areas of gums, sinus lift area, places of implant installation, remote tooth holes, maxillofacial areas of soft tissue, and in the area of installed membrane or osteosynthesis. This will start the process of regeneration, accelerate metabolism, strengthen bone tissue, and activate local immunity.

Gums plazmolifting procedure is completely safe, because patient is administered with his own plasma, which prevents allergic reactions and rejection.

Plasmolifting effect

Due to plazmolifting procedure:

  • pain stops;
  • bleeding and bad breath is eliminated;
  • healing of extracted teeth holes is accelerated;
  • engraftment of implants is improving and reduced the risk of rejection.

Plazmolifting of gums is also effective as a prevention of periodontal diseases. Typically, the effect is noticeable after the first treatment.

Make an appointment

Specialists of “PRIZMA” aesthetic dentistry in Kiev receive patients by appointment. You can call us or enroll via online form. The price for plazmolifting in “PRIZMA” dentistry is shown in our price list on the web site.

Our doctors

Dental therapist
Dental therapist
Liudmyla Yatsenko
Chief Doctor

Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Procedure “Plasmolifting” (injection of autoplasma enriched with platelets), for 1 jaw 2 700
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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