Laser teeth whitening
Naturally white teeth are the dream of every person. However, to achieve the desired result, sometimes we have to resort to the wonders of modern progress, and in this case, to innovations in dentistry.
Do you know that with the help of a laser, you can not only carry out global dental procedures, but also whiten your teeth? Yes, this miracle device is so multifunctional that whitening with its help occurs efficiently, painlessly and effectively.
Benefits of laser whitening:
- the use of a unique safe gel that does not damage the structure of the tooth and does not lead to demineralization of its enamel.
- reduction of the procedure time due to the action of the laser through a special nozzle that covers 4-6 teeth at once
- lack or decrease in sensitivity during and after the procedure (compared to photosystems)
- long-term stability of the result (more than two years)
- brightening the enamel by 6-10 shades
- enamel strengthening
- prevention of caries and infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity due to the antibacterial action of the laser
How is the laser whitening procedure performed?
- The surface of the teeth is cleaned with a brush and paste
- The patient is offered goggles, a lip retractor is put on, the gums, cheeks, tongue are carefully isolated using a polymerizing gel (liquid copherdam), rollers and napkins
- A whitening gel is applied to the clean, dried surface of the teeth, which is activated by a diode laser beam, which causes the release of atomic oxygen, which destroys pigments
- At the end of the whitening session, the gel is thoroughly washed off.
- 2-3 such cycles can be carried out. After that, an anti-sensitivity gel (desensitizer) is applied to the teeth. Liquid rubber dam and retractor are removable
It’s important to know:
- A few days before the laser whitening procedure, it is necessary to remove all dental plaque and tooth pigmentation
- Restorations, fillings, crowns and veneers do not change color after bleaching, they can only be replaced to match the color of the bleached teeth.
- Within 48 hours after bleaching, the enamel is still saturated with color and saturated with moisture. Therefore, it is very important to follow the so-called “white” diet (exclude coloring foods and drinks).
- After laser whitening, you still need a thorough oral hygiene with a brush, paste, floss, brushes, irrigator.
- pregnancy and breastfeeding
How is laser whitening different from photo whitening?
The process of carrying out both procedures is generally quite similar: initially, the surface of the teeth is treated with a whitening gel. However, the role of the whitening gel activator in photobleaching is intense scattered light radiation. And in laser whitening, the activator of the process is the laser beam of a dental diode laser, which has a directed beam flux.