Dental treatment in sleep for children

We pay a lot of attention to the fact that milk teeth, as well as permanent teeth, need treatment. If caries has appeared in a milk tooth, you should immediately contact a dentist and prevent the child from experiencing severe pain or wait until the tooth falls out.

Dental treatment in sleep for children

What to do if the child is catastrophically afraid to go to the dentist?

Do not put pressure on the child, and certainly do not intimidate him. You need to talk with the baby and explain to him that the first visit to the clinic will end only with an acquaintance.

If a child comes to dentistry – but does not make contact with a doctor?

At Prizm Dentistry, we will find the way to your child. We know how difficult it is for children to sit still for more than 20 minutes. And all that a dentist can do during this time is to examine the teeth, seal fissures, or treat one shallow caries. For further treatment, one more, and maybe more, visits to the doctor are necessary.

Therefore, the Prizm Medical Center has a solution – dental treatment for children in their sleep. This method of medical sedation allows you to avoid the main difficulties in dental treatment in children – to relieve anxiety and fear, to relax the child.

Dental treatment under anesthesia is an opportunity to show children that dental treatment does not hurt.

When to Use General Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry:

  • dental treatment for children from 1 year;
  • treatment of more than 4 teeth or 1 tooth with complicated caries
  • strong gag reflex;
  • surgical volumetric dental intervention;
  • fear of dentists and increased anxiety;
  • allergy to local anesthetics;
  • neurological conditions and diseases in children that complicate the process of communication.

The main advantages of treating children in a dream:

  • Possibility to treat all teeth in one visit
  • The treatment is thorough and of high quality, as the doctor focuses on the child’s teeth, and not on how to calm him down
  • The anesthesiologist monitors the child’s condition, and the child is connected to a device that displays all vital signs of his condition.

What drug is used to treat children’s teeth in their sleep?

In the clinic of aesthetic dentistry “PRIZMA” the drug Sevoran is used for medical sleep for children.

How is the medical sedation procedure performed?

This type of anesthesia involves introducing the child into a state of superficial sleep by inhalation. With this type of anesthesia, a small patient is put on a mask into which Sevoran enters. The child takes a breath and after a few seconds falls asleep. All further manipulations performed by the doctor, the child does not feel. That is why after sleep he wakes up with healthy teeth and without pain.

What are the advantages of “Sevoran”:

  • painless introduction to sleep;
  • quick awakening without disturbing mental and motor functions;
  • does not cause allergies
  • not addictive;
  • non-toxic;
  • during sleep there is no sensation;
  • does not affect the speech, memory and thinking of the child.

Is medication sleep harmful for a child?

This type of anesthesia is easy to manage and effective. All over the progressive world, children are treated with teeth “in their sleep”. And the younger the child, the more indications for inhalation sedation.

Medical sedation has been a popular type of anesthesia in the USA, Japan and developed European countries for 20 years. Medication sleep with “Sevoran” is indicated even for the smallest, since babies 2-4 years old simply do not understand the need for treatment and it is almost impossible to negotiate with them. Sedation by inhalation allows you to cure all the teeth in one session.

Our doctors

Svitlana Baranovska
Dental therapist

Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Medication sedation (medication sleep), for 1 hour 5 580
Medicated sedation (medication sleep), in 30 minutes 2 820
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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