In Kiev dentistry PRIZMA the leading position is justly occupied by micro-prosthodontics. It is due to the fact that simultaneous loss of many teeth is quite a rare case, it can occur only in case of age-related changes or after severe mechanical damage.
When it is necessary to restore aesthetic appearance or functions of one or two teeth, the service of micro-prosthodontics will be an excellent choice.
This technique is new enough, it is developing due to the occurrence of the corresponding high-quality materials (fiberglass and ceramic). Nowadays, orthopedic dentistry provides the newest achievements for tooth restoration and treatment to the patients. Besides, it is micro-prosthodontics that solves the problem of partial loss of tooth in the most appropriate way.
Micro-prosthodontics procedure
The decision about the type of prosthodontics is taken after the analysis of each particular case. In general, there are the following micro-prosthodontics methods:
- Adhesive method;
- Inserts application;
- Veneer application.
High strength
Due to the use of high-quality modern composites this composition has a manifold safety margin. It is much higher than the strength of a healthy tooth.
Micro-prosthodontics possibilities
In case that 1 or 2 adjacent teeth are missing they can be completely replaced by means of this technology. This practice will be a good solution even in case of serious teeth damage when they are impossible or useless to restore. In case of micro-prosthodontics replacement a bridge-like prosthesis is manufactured and fixed supported by two neighbor teeth. It can even to rest on filled teeth.
Full comfort
Tooth micro-prosthodontics is a completely painless procedure. It is performed only by highly-qualified specialists, and certified anti-allergic materials are used.
Technique and terms
An important aspect for most patients is the duration of the procedure. How many visits to the dentist are necessary and how long will each visit last? Micro-prosthodontics will require only two visits to the doctor. During the first visit the doctor treats the disease which caused damage of destruction of the tooth. During th second and last for this procedure visit the permanent structure will be installed.
Approximate prices for metal ceramic prosthodontics can be found in the section PRICE. Appoint a visit to PRIZMA clinic in Kiev for dentist’s consultation and further details!