
DOLPHIN diagnostics


Aligners Invisalign

Removable devices


Prevention devices

Micro-implants system

Orthodontology deals with correction of anomalies related to non-straight tooth location and incorrect occlusion. This field solves not only aesthetic-related problems. First of all, it is saving the masticatory system functions.

One of the main specializations of the clinic PRIZMA if orthodontological aid including diagnostics, treatment and prevention.

Woman shows options for orthodontic treatment.

The consequences of incorrect occlusion

If the problem of incorrect occlusion is not solved it can cause the difficulty of hygiene, development of bone tissue and gingivae diseases, generation of gingival pockets. The result is the loss of the teeth.

Besides the direct teeth problems a person with incorrect occlusion may have migraine and arthritis. It is a result of a modified skull structure.

Orthodontology Kiev: the devices used in the clinic PRIZMA

Kiev dental clinic PRIZMA applies modern devices used in the dental clinics of the USA and Europe:

  • Barces (Damon, Insignia, Incognito);
  • Aligners Invisalign;
  • Removable devices;
  • Micro-implants;
  • Retention devices.

The efficiency of the devices is confirmed by our specialists and supported by the results of the satisfied patients. It is important to note that the devices are selected individually depending on each clinical case.

When do you need orthodontist care

The best time is the childhood or juvenile period. The earlier the parents pay attention to the problem the sooner and more efficiently it can be solved. Treatment of children passes more quickly and allows to prevent the development of more serious occlusion anomalies. Due to the newest achievements in orthodontology correction of occlusion or snagged teeth in adult age is also efficient but it takes longer.

Adult orthodontology is also an important step of preparation to implantation, prosthodontics, rehabilitation of  maxillo-temporal joint disfunction.

If you come to the dental clinic PRIZMA in Kiev, you will be provided a treatment regimen worked out by a specialist to make your dream about a beautiful smile come true!

Treatment Duration

It should be pointed out that miracles do not exist. Snagged teeth correction will take at least 1 year. Depending on the case complexity the treatment with orthodontic devices consists of a number of stages and may take several years. For some patients it is difficult from psychological viewpoint, but we assure you that wearing braces may be stylish (sapphire braces, for instance). And no doubt the result worth the trouble!

Price for Orthodontics Services in the Clinic PRIZMA in Kiev

The price of orthodontologist’s services consists of the price of the brace, its installation, activation of the devices at the period of treatment and braces removal. The final price and duration of treatment will be calculated during the primary visit.

Remember that health is the most valuable recourse, there is no point is saving on it!

Our specialists

Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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