Gum disease is one of the most urgent problems today because earlier it was neglected. Patients often ignore symptoms of periodontal disease in the early stages and apply only when the process has already been protracted, and conservative treatment is extremely difficult. In “PRIZMA” aesthetic dentistry in Kiev a number of manipulations aimed at fighting periodontitis to suspend and stabilize its manifestations. This is vector periodontal therapy and plazmolifting of gums. Through these procedures on a regular basis (at least every six months), we achieve remission and improvement. But when periodontal disease progresses to the II-III degree and periodontal pocket reaches a considerable depth, we cannot do without dental surgery.
Features of periodontal surgery
Periodontal surgery is one of the most important stages in periodontics. In order to restore the soft and bone tissues used open correction and scrappy operations that prevent the development of periodontitis, tooth mobility and tooth loss. During these manipulations performed mechanically cleaning of the teeth roots surfaces and periodontal soft tissue from the granulation and disintegration of microorganisms, and directed tissue and bone regeneration is stimulated by bone replacing materials (BiO-OSS, BiO-Gide (Switzerland)) and membranes of the patient’s own plasma (method A- PRF). Once surgical treatment of periodontal disease was carried out timely, we strive for stabilizing the process, reducing the depth of periodontal pockets, improving the gums and soft tissues, eliminating the teeth mobility. Further we will keep the dispensary observation of the patient, during which the state of paradontium is supported by conservative methods.