Photorejuvenation (photofacial) in Kiev
Not everyone is ready to decide on a plastic facelift surgery, a little more people are ready to resort to beauty injections, but creams and masks are still preferred. Of course, the right selection of cosmetic products makes a significant contribution to maintaining a well-groomed skin appearance.
PRIZMA Medical Center offers one of the modern and effective methods to combat the primary signs of aging – an intense-pulsed light treatment (IPL) using the M22 platform device. IPL photorejuvenation uses light and laser therapy to rejuvenate the skin and give it smoother and younger appearance.
The main signs when you should think about photorejuvenation
There are two types of skin aging: natural (chronoaging) – depends on age-related changes and photoaging – appears under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation damages the layers of the skin and leads to a loss of skin elasticity and firmness, the appearance of pigmentation spots. Actually, the signs of photoaging are the main indications for photorejuvenation.
Photorejuvenation can be used to improve such skin issues as:
- pigmented spots;
- vascular mesh;
- small wrinkles;
- dull face colour;
- acne;
- enlarged pores;
- reduced skin tone;
- uneven skin colour.
How to prepare for photorejuvenation
Patients are advised to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 1 month prior to any photorejuvenation treatment. This procedure is not carried out from mid-April to mid-September to avoid any issues with light’s ability to target brown pigmentation.
IPL photorejuvenation principle
Photorejuvenation (IPL-therapy, IPL-rejuvenation) is a hardware therapy that effectively combats the signs of aging on the face, neck, décolleté, shoulders and arms.
The principle of operation is as follows: a powerful broad-spectrum light that emits high-intensity pulses of light energy deep into epidermis, when exposed to the skin, destroy damaged tissues and stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improve blood circulation, and accelerate metabolic processes. Thus, the process of tissue regeneration, natural rejuvenation is launched. The M22 platform is the latest device that allows you to adjust the depth, power and duration of exposure to the skin and is suitable for all skin types. In this case, the light flux acts directly on the pigmented parts without destroying the structure of healthy tissues.
This selective effect of pulses makes the photorejuvenation process gentle on the skin. At the PRIZMA Medical Center we call IPL therapy the “lunch break” procedure.
Results from IPL photorejuvenation
Thanks to the effects of IPL-rays, you will see the following changes just after a few sessions:
- small wrinkles disappear
- skin relief is evened out
- skin elasticity is increased
- face oval is tighten
Results from IPL photorejuvenation
Full results should become visible in a few months, while some improvement in skin condition will be noticeable roughly after the first session. A course of 4-6 sessions spaced 1 month apart is recommended. You should see even skin tone, a significant skin strength and improvements and prolonged treatment results since the action of IPL has a cumulative effect.
How photorejuvenation is performed
Before IPL therapy, you need an appointment with a dermatologist at the PRIZMA Medical Center on Podil, during which he will diagnose the condition of the skin, determine its type, exclude contraindications and select the parameters on which the therapy will be carried out.
As we have already noted, this procedure is suited for people with any skin types.
In the treatment room you will be provided with protective eye shields and special IPL gel will be applied to the skin, which serves as a conductor for impulses. Depending on the area to be treated, as well as the intensity of exposure, the procedure takes 20-60 minutes. As a rule, laser photorejuvenation of the face takes 45 minutes.
Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, a slight tingling sensation may occur during the procedure.
After the session, the skin will turn slightly red, but after a few hours, there will be no trace of redness.
Rehabilitation recovery period
Due to the gentle effect of light on the upper layer of the skin, the rehabilitation period is practically absent. However, to ensure you achieve optimal results, it is important to follow few instructions.
- Moisturize the skin with cream for 3 days.
- Avoid saunas, solariums and beaches for a month after facial phototherapy.
- Use a protective cream with SPF 50 for a month, regardless of the weather.
- Limit the use of cosmetics.
Contraindications to the procedure
Almost any procedure has contraindications and photorejuvenation is not the exception:
- severe acute and chronic purulent processes;
- tendency to keloid scars;
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- inflammatory process in the body;
- allergic or infectious rash;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- diabetes;
- oncological diseases.
Where to do the photorejuvenation procedure?
At our Medical Center you find yourself in a medical institution where certified dermatologists work and we comply with all basic principles of disinfection and sterilization. Our experts will diagnose the skin condition and select the most effective method of treatment. At the PRIZMA Medical Center the photorejuvenation procedure is performed on the latest M22 platform device, one of the few in Ukraine. The price of the procedure depends on the area where photorejuvenation will be performed.
Here beauty is created through the prism of health.
You can sign up for face and body phototherapy using the “Make an appointment” button at the top of the page or by phone numbers listed on the site.