Sapphire (Clear) Braces
Many people all over the world suffer with incorrect occlusion and snagged teeth. Nowadays this problem has an optimal solution combining high-quality result and maximum aesthetics in the process of treatment. We are speaking about clear braces which are hardly seen on the teeth.
Peculiarities of Clear Braces
The material for clear braces manufacture is artificial sapphire monocrystals. It is due to this fact that these braces are hardly seen on the teeth. By the way, artificial sapphires are often used for manufacture of tooth implants and lenses, and the hardness parameter of this material are comparable to diamond.
Clear braces are a kind of aesthetic braces comparable to other structures in terms of quality and reliability.
Merits and Demerits
Sapphire braces advantages are:
- High aesthetic parameters;
- Fast patient’s adaptation to the braces;
- оNo mucosa irritation;
- The maximum possible comfort in the oral cavity.
These structures almost have no demerits, with one exception — by means of sapphire braces it is impossible to correct some occlusion defects: in bad cases metal braces are necessary.
Clear braces installation comprises several stages. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly prepare for treatment all the teeth must be in perfect condition. That is why sometimes it takes rather long to eliminate caries, inflammations and other teeth diseases before brace installation.
Sapphire brace fixation presupposes:
- Brace fixation by means of special material (composite).
- Installation of wire arches directly affecting the defects correction.
Clear Braces in the Dental Clinic PRIZMA
In the clinic PRIZMA dental care to patients is provided solely by highly qualified specialists which provide the best treatment result to the clients. Our policy is trust and responsibility to the patient: during the visit to orthodontologist you will obtain the answers to all your questions including the price clear braces and the price of installation.
Самолигирующие прозрачные брекеты Damon Clear
Self-Ligating clear braces Damon Clear feature with high clearness and low friction. Such structures do not lose their primary appearance all over the period of treatment. Arch replacement in the process of treatment elimination is performed comparatively easily, and this structure fixation deserves the highest praise. These clear braces are the leading services in the ranking made by the results of the clients interrogation.
As of today, Damon Clear are considered to be the most perfect braces providing comfort, aesthetics and high-quality result. The secret of this system success is the low friction and application of ultra-low physiologicval forces for teeth displacement. This principle of the braces operation makes it possible to attain high-quality treatment results without teeth removal (in most cases).
The low friction facilitates teeth displacement and the treatment duration is shortened. One more positive peculiarity of treatment by means of these braces ins the increase of intervals between the visits to the dentist for arch correction. You need to visit doctor not every month but once per 8-10 weeks.
Individual Braces Insignia
Insignia is an innovation computer-aided technology which enables manufacturing braces by individual parameters of customer. Among the advantages of individual braces Insignia are the highest degree of computer-aided accuracy, new treatment opportunities, optimized management of defect elimination process and reduction of the treatment period.
In the process of a traditional orthodontic therapy patients are installed arches and braces of standard parameters. Insignia is the possibility of creating an individual brace system which will be maximally efficient in your case. The individual braces Insignia created with due regard to the specific features of the patient smartly effect on the problem selecting the optimal way for defect elimination. Such approach to treatment provides high precision, speed and result predictability.
Moreover, the patient will be able to see treatment result before brace installation. Using the technique of three-dimensional making image of the teeth position with Insignia, an orthodontologist will show at the computer the form and width of your smile and the position of the teeth after the brace removal.
Price for Clear Braces in Kiev
One of the first concerns of our clients who need dentist’s assistance if the price of the services. The price for clear braces in dental clinic PRIZMA in Kiev can be found in the price-list on this site. We are maximally sincere in the issues of treatment and always open for communication with the clients!