This technique has been actively used for over 45 years to treat various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, eliminate various growths on the bones and more. With its help for a full course you can get rid of up to 20% of fatty tissues without any negative effects on the associated structures and the body as a whole. Medical Center “Prizma” conducts shock wave therapy in the fight against cellulite in Kiev using advanced modern equipment. We know how to provide our patients with a beautiful body, smooth and elastic skin on the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms.

SWT procedure for cellulite.

SWT for cellulite: features of the effect on the body

Cellulite itself is a fairly common phenomenon, which makes itself known as early as 20-25 years old. Despite the fact that many people associate its appearance with excess weight, the causes of its development can also be hidden in hormonal disorders, hereditary predisposition, inactive lifestyle. To combat unsightly orange peel is actively used special wraps, massages, diets, exercise. But, alas, they do not give a long-term effect, as they only affect the external manifestations, but do not eliminate the root cause – violations of normal blood circulation.

Shockwave therapy against cellulite is an advanced modern solution that involves the impact on subcutaneous fat deposits by infrasound waves of high pressure amplitude. They are able to move energy from the point of its generation to sufficiently deep structures of subcutaneous tissues at a speed of 1500 m/s without any mechanical damage.

The therapeutic effect of SWT in the fight against cellulite is as follows:

  • start metabolic processes at the cellular level, which will contribute to the breakdown of fat deposits;
  • stimulating the production of elastin and collagen fibers, which will provide natural restoration of skin structure, elasticity and firmness, normalizes water balance and smoothing of the skin surface;
  • improving the permeability of skin membranes, which will provide more effective oxygenation of cells, improve local blood circulation, which will also contribute to the elimination of lumps on the body;
  • mechanical stimulation of the lymphatic system will reduce swelling, normalize the process of lymphatic drainage, that is, will contribute to the drainage of excess fluid.

The cleavage products will be excreted through the circulatory system without having any negative impact on the general condition of the body. After completing the course, stretch marks, wrinkles, venous mesh, and skin elasticity also disappear. And all this without dieting. Often UHT is also used for faster recovery of patients after liposuction.

Main benefits of shock wave therapy for cellulite

Modern medicine has recognized SWT as one of the most effective physiotherapeutic methods of fighting cellulite and age-related skin changes, including laxity. Its main advantages include:

  1. High efficiency. For a full course of 10 to 20% of fat deposits can be removed.
  2. No painful sensations. The shock wave penetrates deep into the soft tissues, causing minimal discomfort to the patient.
  3. Providing a complex positive effect on the skin. Shock wave therapy for cellulite increases the tone of the epidermis, normalizes metabolism at the cellular level, removes excess fluid.
  4. No preparatory measures, quick recovery. No rehabilitation is required, as the skin is not damaged, you feel like after a normal massage.
  5. Can be combined with other techniques, including massage, cryolipolysis, anti-cellulite wraps, darsonvalization and so on. Increases the effectiveness of orange peel elimination.

Unlike other ways to combat cellulite and subcutaneous fat deposits, UHT gives a really long-lasting and durable result, as it fights directly with the cause of pathology, not its external manifestations.

Shockwave therapy for the treatment of cellulite.

Shock wave therapy for cellulite: indications and contraindications

Doctors at our medical center recommend shock wave therapy for cellulite up to stage 4, and as an effective technique in the fight against:

  • pastosity, skin laxity;
  • striae;
  • irregularities and scars on the body, including after liposuction.

This procedure is not performed on patients who suffer from hemophilia and other blood diseases, have benign tumors or foci of inflammation in the area of exposure, oncology, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system, advanced varicose veins. Also, the procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, adolescents under 18 years of age.

In any case, our doctors will perform a preliminary examination of the patient and determine the possibility of therapy.

How is performed SWT for cellulite in Kiev?

After the doctor of our medical center has reviewed the medical history and made sure that there are no contraindications, the procedure itself is performed. Initially, a contact gel is applied to the skin. Then individual settings are set on the device, taking into account the personal characteristics of a patient. During the procedure itself, you can feel only a slight pressure inside the tissue. In this case, there will be no violation of skin integrity, microtrauma. The procedure itself, depending on the localization zone can last from 5 minutes to half an hour.

Shock wave therapy from cellulite in Kiev, which is carried out by specialists of our medical center, does not cause negative reactions from the body. Immediately after completion of the procedure, you can return to your normal lifestyle. The number of sessions to achieve the desired result is in the range from 5 to 8. The optimal number of procedures will be determined by the doctor, focusing on the current state of the skin and the expected result.

SWT for cellulite from Prizma Medical Center

During the time that our medical center conducts SWT therapy to fight cellulite, we have already made sure that the procedure is highly effective and there are no negative reactions from the body. We use modern equipment, have a team of doctors who specialize exclusively in this technique. All this allows us to offer patients really professional services that guarantee high efficiency in practice.

To make an appointment for a consultation with our doctors, to find out the price of shock wave therapy for cellulite we offer by phone or through online communication services. Contact us and see how effective this procedure will be in your case.

Our doctors


Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Shock wave therapy (Storz Medical). Cellulite treatment and volume reduction
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volume on the hips 1 500
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volume on the hips (8 sessions) 11 400
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volume on the lower legs 850
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volume on the lower legs (8 sessions) 6 460
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volumes on the buttocks 1 010
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volumes on the buttocks (8 sessions) 7 680
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of abdominal volume 1 100
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of abdominal volume (8 sessions) 8 360
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volumes on the lateral surfaces of the abdomen 850
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of volumes on the lateral surfaces of the abdomen (8 sessions) 6 460
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of the volume of the area of both arms 850
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of the volume of the area of both arms (8 sessions) 6 460
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of the cervical-collar area 1 010
Treatment of cellulite and reduction of the cervical-collar area (8 sessions) 7 680
Removal of keloid scars, stretch marks and scars 5x5 cm 850
Removal of keloid scars, stretch marks and scars 5x5 cm (8 sessions) 6 460
Vibrotherapy (1 procedure) 450
Shock wave therapy, 100 strokes 18
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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