Shockwave therapy (SWT) is a know-how in modern dentistry that is used to treat and prevent diseases such as periodontitis, atrophy of bone tissue with loss of teeth (as a preparatory stage of implantation), temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ), and also for the removal of hypertension (miorelaxation) with bruxism and Clench syndrome.
How does shock wave therapy work?
UVT is a short-term, pulsed effect of acoustic waves on connective tissue structures. The cells of the connective tissue are 80% composed of water that passes the energy of the shock wave. The mechanism of action is that due to the effect of acoustic waves, the permeability of cell membranes varies. Stimulated metabolic processes between healthy cells, the changed cells enter into resonance with the acoustic wave, which triggers in them the mechanism of apoptosis (death).
Thanks to the stimulation of metabolic processes, the nutrition of surrounding tissues improves. The shock wave causes the cells of the connective tissue to multiply, in places where the tissue is affected or deficient. Penetrating into the problem zone, the acoustic wave provokes the growth of capillaries, where they do not exist, which is very important when treating, for example, periodontitis.
The result of the use of UVT
- increased blood flow in damaged tissues and stimulation of their regeneration;
- restoration of the structure and elasticity of ligaments;
- relaxation (relaxation of spasms);
- elimination of the pain syndrome for a long period;
- acceleration of metabolism, loosening of microcrystals of calcium salts and areas of fibrosis, restoration of the structure and elasticity of ligaments;
- elimination of marginal osseous growths;
- formation of a new capillary mesh — neoangiogenesis for 96 hours after the procedure.
Due to these therapeutic effects, UTT is recommended to be used practically at all stages of dental treatment.
Place of UVT in orthopedic dentistry
Shockwave therapy (UVT) refers to physical methods of treatment.
The principle of action consists in the impulse action of an acoustic wave on cells, and as a consequence of stimulation of metabolic processes between them.
In orthopedic dentistry, UVT is used for muscle relaxation in the treatment of bruxism and Clench syndrome, as well as for TMJ diseases.
Bruxism is the involuntary convulsive contraction of the masticatory muscles and the scraping of the upper and lower dentition. These periodic seizures mostly occur at night during sleep. Daily involuntary compression of the teeth is called a Clench syndrome. These diseases subsequently influence the premature erasure of the teeth, and as a consequence, a decrease in the bite, which further entails changes in the TMJ and in the body as a whole.
Also, people suffering from bruxism often feel morning sickness, discomfort in the chewing muscles, TMJ, neck and muscles located nearby.
All this is due to the hypertonicity of spasmodic masticatory muscles, which eventually overload more and more, bringing discomfort.
To relieve the symptoms of hypertonia and muscle relaxation in our medical center, shock wave therapy is applied, which by means of a certain impulse action on muscle cells locally increases blood flow. Muscle spasm becomes less with increasing blood circulation. The muscles are saturated with oxygen, which helps to remove toxins from the muscles, and improve the metabolism between them. The muscle relaxes, its habitual function is restored and all the symptoms associated with hypertension go away.
In diseases of the TMJ, changes in the joint can be observed in separate elements — the capsule, the disc or in the joint surfaces themselves. UVT is one of the stages of treatment of these complex diseases. This therapy affects all types of cells in which the impulse enters and improves metabolic processes, restores blood flow, and, consequently, nutrition in this area, normalizes the function.
The role of UVT in therapeutic dentistry
In therapeutic dentistry, UVT is used as a stage of complex treatment of periodontitis.
Generalized or localized periodontitis can manifest itself with symptoms such as:
- Bleeding gums (during teeth cleaning, while eating).
- Mobility of teeth.
- Recession (omission) of the gum.
The emergence of these symptoms is partly or completely due to the fact that the tissues have ceased to receive adequate nutrition, due to the microbial agent and / or overload in certain areas, tissues and blood vessels have collapsed, local blood circulation has decreased, which further continues to injure the gum. After identifying and eliminating the cause of these symptoms, eliminating the microbial factor (cleaning the periodontal pockets, vector therapy), shock wave therapy is used to stimulate metabolic processes. Due to stimulation, the nutrition of surrounding tissues improves and an anti-inflammatory effect occurs. The shock wave causes the cells of the connective tissue to multiply, in places where the tissue is affected or deficient. Penetrating into the problem zone, the acoustic wave provokes the growth of capillaries, where they do not exist, thus, restoring the previously lost vessels, strengthening the damaged and improving blood circulation. Eliminates the symptoms of gingival hemorrhage, decreases the mobility of teeth.
UVT and surgical dentistry
It is difficult to believe, but the loss of even one tooth leads not only to the displacement of the whole dentition, but also to a noticeable decrease in the volume of bone tissue — atrophy. The visual manifestation of bone atrophy is noticeable in the absence of a large number of teeth on both jaws. In this case, the asymmetry of the face appears, the dental arch decreases in size, the lips and cheeks «fall» into the oral cavity, the nasolabial fold deepens, the corners of the lips drop, and the remaining teeth move along the dentition.
Atrophy of bone tissue is the loss of the alveolar process of the jaw, which is characterized by a decrease in the length and width of the bone, as well as by the depletion of bone tissue. Atrophy is the inevitable consequence of loss of teeth, resulting from a reduction in the load: if the roots of the teeth are absent, the cells of the bone do not receive the proper pressure and cease to be saturated with nutrients. Over time, the soft layers of the bone dissolve, the bone becomes thin, the gums collapse. As for atrophy, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, periodontitis, distant cysts, granulomas and other tumors, and jaw injuries can lead.
The process of atrophy is associated with cell death, which is due to a lack of nutrition. A lack of nutrition is associated with either a lack of functioning, either with inflammation or with trauma.
In case of loss of teeth, the function can be restored by implantation — the bone will again be loaded. And shock wave therapy before and after implantation will help to activate metabolic processes faster. Due to this, the implant will securely anchor itself in the bone.
The role of UVT in orthodontics
The same shock wave can be used after orthodontic treatment. During the movement of teeth occurs on the one hand the loss of bone tissue (bone resorption), and on the other hand its increased growth (apposition), as a result of which the teeth move. Shockwave therapy intensifies apposition processes, stabilization occurs.
Thus, it becomes clear that shock wave therapy is an effective treatment in many areas of dental treatment.