Therapeutic back massage in the area of the scapula in the clinic Prizma in Kiev.

The title “therapeutic massage” encapsulates its main objectives. This method is aimed at strengthening health and treating various organic disorders without the use of medications. The desired result is achieved through mechanical manipulation of soft tissues, muscles, and skin. Therapeutic massage is prescribed both after surgical procedures and for patients who have experienced physical injuries. This method is also suitable for the prevention of common diseases, improving overall health, and boosting the body’s immune system.

Benefits of therapeutic massage:

In Ukraine, therapeutic massage helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, sciatica, digestive system disorders, and other pathologies.

This method contributes to:

  • Improved circulation, which has a positive impact on heart function.
  • Activation of the lymphatic flow, enhancing immunity and improving cell nourishment.
  • Faster recovery of damaged soft tissues.
  • Pain relief and improved nerve conduction by affecting the peripheral nervous system.
  • Increased flexibility and elasticity of muscle fibers, slowing down muscle atrophy, and enhancing muscle contraction.
  • Skin cleansing and mechanical removal of old cells.

The effectiveness of this technique is based on three factors:

  1. Neuro-reflex.
  2. Humoral.
  3. Mechanical influence.

The impact on nerve receptors enhances the functioning of internal organs and systems, helps relax or, conversely, increase muscle tone, improves productivity, and addresses sleep problems. The humoral effect involves the activation of beneficial substances that are in a passive state within the body. They improve circulation, cleanse capillaries, and increase their permeability. Mechanical manipulation directly on the skin leads to its warming, metabolism normalization, improvement of cellular respiration, and elimination of stagnation.

How is therapeutic massage different from regular massage?

These two types of massage have different goals and methods of implementation.

Regular massage aims to stimulate circulation, relax muscles, relieve spasms, and alleviate back and shoulder pain. It is often recommended for addressing insomnia and blood pressure fluctuations.

On the other hand, therapeutic massage is only performed by a doctor’s prescription and is used to treat various pathologies. This type of massage is conducted by a specialist with medical education who has a deep understanding of the musculoskeletal system and anatomical features of the human body.

There are several types of therapeutic massage:

  • Classic: focuses on the area affected by pathology and adjacent areas.
  • Acupressure: targets reflex points that influence related organs, helping to alleviate pain, spasms, and tension.
  • Periosteal: specifically targets painful points, often used in joint and musculoskeletal therapy.
  • Connective tissue: works with affected connective tissues.
  • Reflexology: stimulates nerve endings in specific areas, improving the function of internal organs.
  • Mechanical: uses various technologies such as vacuum, vibration, and ultrasound.

Therapeutic massage of the neck and collar area includes work on the shoulders, upper back, neck, and head.

Various techniques are applied, including rubbing, gripping, and stroking. This type of massage helps correct posture, reduce headaches, and eliminate swelling, making it very beneficial for the body.

Full-body massage:

A full-body massage includes massage of the upper and lower extremities, the collar area, and the abdomen.

The technique includes various methods:

  • Stroking.
  • Kneading.
  • Rubbing.
  • Vibration.
  • Tapping.
  • Pinching.
  • Squeezing.

The advantages of this procedure include expanded blood vessels, improved tissue nutrition, increased muscle mobility, and pain relief.

Therapeutic back massage:

Therapeutic back massage is recommended primarily for people with sedentary jobs, as they often experience pain in this area. The procedure helps improve microcirculation, normalize metabolic processes, and accelerate regeneration.

This massage usually includes the following methods:

  • Stroking and rubbing to prepare and warm up the skin.
  • Kneading various areas, such as the shoulder blades, shoulder girdle, lower back, and spinal column.
  • Light vibration.

Therapeutic Abdominal Massage:

This type of massage is beneficial for addressing stagnation in the pelvic area and digestive system disorders. The procedure involves gentle, smooth movements, avoiding sharp pressure. It not only improves the function of internal organs and circulation but also helps reduce local fat deposits and strengthen muscles.

Therapeutic Hand Massage:

This type of massage is recommended for somatic and neurological conditions, colds, back and shoulder pain, migraines, digestive issues, and stress. Massage of reflex points on the hands helps normalize the functioning of internal organs, boosts immunity and muscle tone, and reduces swelling.


Therapeutic massage is prescribed for the following issues:

  1. Musculoskeletal disorders.
  2. Injuries and post-operative recovery.
  3. Feelings of fatigue and pain in the limbs, back, and neck.
  4. Frequent migraines.
  5. Increased physical exertion.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Stressful conditions.


Therapeutic massage should not be performed under the following conditions:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Diagnosed oncological diseases.
  3. Presence of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Acute inflammatory diseases accompanied by a fever.
  6. Chronic diseases in a decompensated stage.
  7. Menstruation (depending on the type of massage).
  8. Presence of skin conditions (psoriasis may be an exception when using special ointments recommended by a doctor).
  9. Skin integrity issues.

Price of Therapeutic Massage:

The cost of therapeutic massage depends on the chosen body area. Detailed rates can be found in our price list below. We provide a free consultation. To schedule an appointment, please contact us using the contact phone numbers in the header of our website. You can also use the contact form or send us a message via messenger.

Duration of the Course:

An average course of therapeutic massage typically includes 10-12 sessions, conducted no less than twice a week.


Our specialists

Massage therapist

Prices for services

Service name Cost/UAH
Therapeutic massage of the cervical-collar zone 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic massage of the cervical-collar zone 60 minutes 1 092
Therapeutic full body massage 60 minutes 1 092
Therapeutic full body massage 60 minutes (5 sessions) 5 187
Therapeutic full body massage 90 minutes 1 638
Therapeutic full body massage 90 minutes (5 sessions) 7 781
Therapeutic leg massage 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic leg massage 30 minutes (5 sessions) 2 594
Therapeutic back massage 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic back massage 30 minutes (5 sessions) 2 594
Therapeutic deep tissue body massage 1 300
Therapeutic massage therapy of the back surface of the body 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic foot massage 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic foot massage 30 minutes (5 sessions) 2 594
Therapeutic head massage 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic head massage 30 minutes (5 sessions) 2 594
Therapeutic massage of both hands 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic massage of both hands 30 minutes (5 sessions) 2 594
Therapeutic abdominal massage 30 minutes 546
Therapeutic abdominal massage 30 minutes (5 sessions) 2 594
Therapeutic massage relaxing 30 minutes 546
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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