Caries is one of the most common dental diseases. There is no man who at least once did not run into it. Modern dentistry aims to prevent the development of caries. For this purpose there are a lot of preventive measures to exclude the development of conditions that require invasive intervention. Observing the rational oral hygiene and visiting the dentist every six months, you can simply eliminate the occurrence of this problem.
Causes of dental caries and its types
Yet this disease exists and is quite common. Caries – is damage of hard tissues to different depths of the tooth, which is caused by:
- imperfect oral hygiene;
- untimely visiting the dentist;
- internal hereditary factors.
If the process involves only the enamel, caries is called initial (spot stage) and superficial (enamel defect); if damaged dentin also, it is an average caries; if the depth of the cavity reaches the pulp – deep caries. It is important to start treatment of caries at an early stage.
“PRIZMA”: effective treatment of caries in Kiev
By the stage progression, caries may be acute or chronic. Treatment of dental caries is different and depends on the stage of disease. Thus, in the stage of a spot our actions are aimed at treatment of caries by remineralization of tooth enamel and regeneration without preparation. This innovative Innodent technology allows you restore the tooth surface in just one visit. When there is already a presence of defect, we use the technique of minimal invasive removal of carious tissue and restoration of the defect or cavity with modern photopolymer materials. The amount of material and equipment for filling depend on the depth of lesion.
In aesthetic dentistry “PRIZMA” in Kiev, after a thorough diagnosis you can efficiently and without pain provide treatment of teeth affected by caries in one or a few visits. With the help of modern anesthesia and the best materials we safely restore damaged teeth, making them beautiful natural shape even at high degrees of destruction.
Make an appointment
We recommend visiting the dentist every six months for routine inspection and timely elimination of the disease without pain and discomfort. Prices for treatment of dental caries you can find in our price list. You can make an appointment on call or by visiting the site.
Please remember, regular dental caries prevention is the best way to keep your teeth healthy!