Wisdom teeth are chewing molars located at the very end of the row. Their other name is “eights”. They erupt by the age of 23-27, often the process is accompanied by discomfort, and sometimes severe pain that radiates to the head. In chewing, the “eights” do not play a role, since in frequent cases they erupt in the wrong position, therefore there are a number of indications for their removal, but this should be decided exclusively by the surgeon.
Indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth are:
- partial eruption
- incorrect position of the molar – eruption to the side, pressure on other teeth
- inability to treat deep caries, pulpitis, periodontitis
- according to indications before orthodontic treatment.
In the clinic of aesthetic dentistry “Prizma” in Kyiv, the dentist-surgeon will conduct a detailed diagnosis and evaluate the possibility of saving or removing a wisdom tooth.
Removal of the lower wisdom tooth and the upper one: what are the features?
The lower jaw has a dense structure, so the lower wisdom teeth have a large number of roots. In turn, the roots are often twisted, which makes their extraction much more difficult. The removal of the upper wisdom tooth is faster and less painless.
Wisdom tooth: simple and complex removal
Simple Operation
Simple extraction involves the use of elevators and forceps, without cutting the gums. First, the doctor collects an anamnesis from the patient, then injects anesthesia. After 5 minutes, when the injection worked, the surgeon proceeds directly to the removal of the root of the wisdom tooth.
After extraction, a satisfied large hole remains, which is disinfected, an antiseptic is applied and sutured to reduce the risk of infection of the wound. The operation takes no more than 15 minutes. After 2-3 days, you need to visit the dentist for a follow-up examination.
Complicated wisdom tooth extraction
Difficult removal involves incisions. Complex operations are resorted to in the case of an impacted “eight” (removal of a wisdom tooth from the gums) or when the molar lies horizontally under a layer of bone. As with simple removal, the first step is to take a history and administer pain medication. Then the gum is incised, exfoliated from the bone, and the bone itself is drilled. The surgeon then removes the tooth and closes the wound. A second consultation is scheduled for the next day.
The cost of removing a wisdom tooth directly depends on the type of operation.
Rehabilitation period
Recovery after surgery lasts from 3 to 7 days, depending on the complexity. In no case should you rinse your mouth, you can apply a cool compress to your cheek. After 4-5 hours, you can take painkillers and antibiotics, which the doctor will prescribe.
On other days, you need to take only soft food, limit sports, and do not smoke. On the second or third day, rinsing with an antiseptic solution or chlorhexidine is allowed.
Compliance with the recommendations contributes to a speedy recovery and minimizes complications.
If you are concerned about the “eight” – do not hesitate and immediately contact the clinic of aesthetic dentistry “Prizma”. We will do everything carefully and as painlessly as possible!