One of the most important and complex steps in orthodontology is diagnostics and planning for correct diagnosis provides successful treatment.
The primary examination allows the orthodontologist to determine the necessity of orthodontological treatment, establish the term of its start, make assumption about its scope and duration. At this stage full diagnostics of the patient’s oral cavity condition is made.
Diagnostics in orthodontology comprised:
The modern orthodontology adopts computer-aided technology, and the aesthetic dentistry clinic PRIZMA keeps up with the time. We use the best diagnostic program DOLPHIN Imaging (DOLPHIN ImagingPlus, DOLPHIN Ceph Tracing, Treatment Simulation). Its main and unique peculiarities are calculation of TRG-image and treatment simulation. TRG (teleroentgenogram) is the basis of the diagnosis and therapy planning, it is an X-ray image with the minimum projection disturbance. It makes it possible to know the type of skeleton growth, precise jaw size, angle of teeth inclination etc.
In aesthetic dentistry clinic PRIZMA in Kiev a doctor calculates the image not manually but using the program DOLPHIN with mathematic precision thus avoiding the errors at this stage. After the image calculation an orthodontologist applies a photo of the patient’s face in profile on it and by means of displacement of points (of bone and soft tissues) the final result visualization (the change of the face aesthetics under various treatment methods) is made.
Therefore, the doctor and the patient can evaluate each particular treatment type, its result before the beginning of treatment and consciously select the optimal option for achievement the desired result. All the patient’s data (intra-oral and extra-oral images, x-ray images and calculations, conclusions, treatment visualization) are stored in the program database in the personal records for each patient which is convenient both for the doctor and for the patient.
Service name | Cost/UAH |
Програма діагностики Dolphin Imaging | 4 920 |
Цефалометричний аналіз (ТРГ) на базі програми Dolphin Imaging | 1 812 |
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25
Subway «Postal Area»
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
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