Stages and types of caries. Treatment and prevention

Woman holding her cheek because of toothache.

Caries from Latin means «rotting». This designation describes exactly what is happening with their teeth with the disease. Caries is a pathological process in which the demineralization and softening of the dental tissue, which further defines a cavity.

This pathological process is observed in people of all ages and absolutely among all segments of the population. According to statistics, about 95% of people around the world faced with the disease. In this article we will look at the types and stages of tooth decay, as well as tell you about the methods of treatment and prevention.

Causes of caries

The main reason why there caries — poor hygiene, so that the bacteria attach to the surface and affect the enamel. Already 3 hours after brushing the number of bacteria in the mouth reaches 1 million. It is very important after every meal and floss rinse your mouth. Harmful bacteria, of course, depends on other factors predetermine, as well as the body’s resistance.

Factors contributing to the development of caries:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • dental crowding;
  • neutral pH of saliva;
  • insufficient secretion of saliva;
  • neglecting dental visits every six months;
  • lack of phosphorus, calcium and fluoride in water and food consumed;
  • weak immunity;
  • frequent consumption of simple carbohydrates and foods containing large amounts of sugar;
  • heredity;
  • some diseases, such as gastrointestinal disease, diabetes and others.

Types of caries

Fissure caries. This is when the process is developed in natural depressions and grooves (fissures) on the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

Interproximal caries. Striking contact interproximal surfaces of the teeth.

Cervical caries. It appears in the contact zone of the tooth root and gums.

Caries tooth root. The most difficult in terms of treatment. Striking subgingival area of the teeth.

How to manifest symptoms of caries in different stages

Painful tooth with caries - illustration.

Caries — progressive disease and has several stages:

Spot. On the surface of the tooth can be seen dark or bright spot. This person does not feel pain or discomfort.

Superficial caries. At this stage, on the roughness of the enamel is observed. It may manifest sensitivity to hot and cold.

Average. Tooth decay affects the upper layers of dentin, the cavity is formed (in other words, the hole in the tooth). Pain appear under the influence of mechanical and chemical stimuli and pass quickly after elimination.

Deep. Tooth decay penetrates vasodentin. The cavity is getting bigger and bigger, while it is filled with softened dentin. Touching is palpable tenderness. If left untreated caries at this stage, then further affected the pulp of the tooth, there is a pulpit, and then — periodontitis, which threatens the loss of the tooth.

Stages of developing slowly (chronic process) and quickly (acute), so as soon as you notice a spot on the tooth or enamel began to show sensitivity, it is necessary immediately write to the dentist. In the initial stages of treatment takes place much faster.

Treatment of caries

Dentist about to drill a sick tooth.

Treatment predetermined kind of pathology and the current stage:

  1. The initial stage of caries involves the passage of hygienic cleaning with further remineralizing therapy.
  2. For the treatment of surface caries applied sanding the affected enamel and remineralization.
  3. Middle caries requires the removal of the lesion, treatment drugs and install the seal.
  4. With the defeat of deep caries tooth gentle processing held cavity often overlapping therapeutic prokladkti before installing the seal. Too deep lesions possible opening of the dental pulp, which entails the removal of the nerve.

Clinic Aesthetic Dentistry «PRIZMA» offers treatment of caries light-curing composites Esthet.X, Spectrum TPH 3, Ceram.X, Filtek; glass ionomer cements Vitremer, Fuji.But at the initial stage we offer our customers an innovative method of treatment with InnoDent.

Prevention of caries

In your power to prevent the appearance of caries. To do this, you need to follow three simple rules:

  • Healthy food. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products. Sweet — in a limited number.
  • Twice a day brushing your teeth. It is important to choose the quality toothbrush and toothpaste. After the meal, use dental floss and mouthwash.
  • Double dentist and conduct professional hygienic cleaning per year.

And remember, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure it!

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