Strength in movement: physical activity for scoliosis

Physical activity in scoliosis.

Curvature of the spine (scoliosis) is a disease that occurs in 1 in 6 people today. It is primarily associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Children sit at desks in schools and universities, office workers, bank employees – at computers, supermarket employees – at cash registers. List all the jobs that contribute to the development of scoliosis in people can be long enough. But this is the disease with which it is necessary to learn to live. Now we will dwell in more detail on what this pathology is, what sports can be practiced with scoliosis, and what is contraindicated.

What is this condition, scoliosis

Scoliosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, involving lateral curvature of the spine. In parallel, there are pathological changes in bone, connective, neuromuscular tissue. In its majority of scoliosis is bilateral: along with the curvature to the right or left is the same curvature in the opposite direction. There is a twisting of the spine vertically: clockwise in right-handed and counterclockwise – in left-handed. Changes in the anatomically correct shape of the skeleton cause deformation of the muscles that hold the spine, including the intercostal and pelvic girdle muscles. Excessive change in the shape of the thorax has a negative impact on the work of the lungs, cardiovascular system.

Modern medicine defines 4 degrees of scoliosis:

  • Degree 1: the spine deviates from the vertical at an angle of up to 10 degrees;
  • 2 degree: the vertical deviation of the spine ranges from 11 to 30 degrees;
  • 3 degree: the angle of deviation is 31-50 degrees;
  • Degree 4: diagnosed in patients with spinal deviation from the vertical of more than 50 degrees.

Treatment of scoliosis in adults necessarily includes certain physical activities. Their actions should be aimed at strengthening the muscle tissue that holds the spine. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a corrective effect on the deformation, improve posture, provide a tonic effect, facilitate the work of the lungs and heart.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether you can do sports with scoliosis is unambiguous – you can. The only thing is that you need to be very careful to choose the most suitable solution for yourself. The degree of curvature, the initial level of sports training, age, influences which physical exercises are suitable for you.

It is also necessary to take into account whether the disease is progressing or not. In the first case, the definition of physical exercises is the task of the doctor. Here, individualized exercises will be selected, and the sports activity itself will be more like rehabilitation. In the case of scoliosis that has not progressed, there will be many more options.

The main problem when choosing exercises for patients with spinal curvature is that along with bone deformity, there is also muscle asymmetry. That is, the muscles on one side of the body will be stronger than on the other. And if you choose the wrong kind of sport, exceed the permissible loads, the situation can only worsen. In order to prevent this from happening, it is optimal to seek advice from a therapist. He will help you choose the sports and physical activity that will be most effective and safe in your conditions.

Acceptable sports for scoliosis patients

Doctors recommend that patients diagnosed with scoliosis choose symmetrical sports. This includes anything that puts equal strain on both halves of the back:

  1. Swimming. Helps to straighten and unload the spine. The most useful recognized gliding on the water. It works deep back muscles, removes asymmetry stabilizes the spinal column, and the spine itself – stretched. Therefore, swimming in scoliosis – is one of the best solutions to strengthen the body. But it is desirable to discuss with your doctor the technical part of the lessons, selecting exactly those styles of swimming and exercises that are best suited to you.
  2. Strength training. This kind of sport is shown to those in whom scoliosis is caused by weakness of the muscular corset. Only it is recommended to reconsider the approach to classical exercises. It is better to avoid lifting a lot of weight, but increase the number of approaches, which will reduce the load on the back, but will give a good effect for pumping muscles. Relieve the load from the back and lower back will help to train the buttocks. But any exercise should start with warming up and end with stretching.
  3. Pilates and yoga. The answer to the question of whether you can do Pilates with scoliosis is unambiguous – you can. In this sport there are techniques that relieve muscle spasms, balance both sides of the spine, affect its strengthening, prevent displacement. A good effect is given by the fact that in yoga and Pilates, breathing exercises are added to physical activity. It has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, lungs. But still, when choosing exercises, it is necessary to take into account the variety of the disease and its type. Whether yoga helps with scoliosis, you will be able to understand your condition after a few classes. Remember: you should not have discomfort, pain after training.
  4. Fitness with a fitness ball. Improves the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, promotes the development of proper breathing skills. Thanks to a slight stretching of the spine, its alignment is observed, deformation changes of the thorax are prevented.
  5. Dancing. Exclude this type of physical activity is not worth it, but when choosing a style you need to be very careful. Well develop strength and flexibility of the muscular corset ballroom dancing. But it should be amateur sports, not professional, especially if the degree of the disease is serious.

Yoga for scoliosis.

Doctors also speak positively about therapeutic horseback riding, stating that it strengthens the muscular corset. Movement to the beat of the horse creates a massage effect in the intervertebral discs. But this kind of sport is shown only in the 1st degree of dysplastic and functional scoliosis. Extension of the spine will also provide activities on the tourniquets: weights and pull-ups. But they are also recommended only in the initial stages of the disease.

Contraindicated sports for scoliosis

Avoid asymmetrical sports such as tennis, fencing, badminton, javelin throwing and basketball. It is also recommended to exclude such sports that require increased mobility and bends of the spine. Therefore, if you ask the doctor the question whether you can do calisthenics with scoliosis, you will get a negative answer. Boxing, archery, figure skating, active styles of dancing can aggravate the condition.

That is, in the presence of curvature of the spine, especially in neglected stages are prohibited:

  • increased stress on the back, including jumping jacks, lunges with dumbbells, squats with weights, any work with weights in a standing position;
  • sudden bending and straightening, twisting and jerking, tumbling, standing on one leg;
  • exercises that cause you discomfort, pain, pulling discomfort.

When choosing a sport, it is necessary to consult a doctor, so that he or she can choose an adequate load and the right program for you individually. He will tell you whether you can do dancing, fitness and other sports with scoliosis, and what precautions should be observed.

To the relative contraindications can be attributed and running. If you run on specially equipped treadmills, use shoes with a shock-absorbing effect, do not overdo the speed, learn to put the foot correctly, you can minimize the negative load on the spine. In this case, the positive effects of training will prevail over the negative ones.

Sports as prevention of scoliosis

Despite the fact that scoliosis statistics display frightening figures, not everything is so terrible. Often the problem comes from childhood: long sitting at the desk in one position, carrying a heavy backpack. But at the same time, doctors note that 1, and in some cases, and 2 stage of the disease can be cured by sports. And here it is more important not the type, but the regularity of classes, the correct performance of exercises. And also sport is a good solution for the prevention of scoliosis. All your activities should be aimed at strengthening the muscle corset, stretching the spine.

But in any case, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous. It is necessary to initially pass the diagnosis. Based on the data obtained, the optimal exercises will be selected just for you, and the effect of training will be maximized. For professional advice, please contact the medical center “Prizma” in Kiev. You can make an appointment by phone or through online communication services.


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