Sun and wrinkles. How not to increase the number of wrinkles over the summer

A woman on summer vacation.

The season of holidays, holidays, sun, beaches, sea, strawberries, watermelons and peaches continues!

An alert skeptic will immediately grumble: yeah, the season of uncontrolled tanning, wrinkles, photoaging, chapped skin and crow’s feet.

Dear skeptic, please don’t worry! We know what to do so as not to bring wrinkles into autumn and we will be happy to share it with you! So, let’s start with the basic and unforgettable, the recommendations are relevant until mid-October, while the sun’s rays are active.

Summer Care

The importance of moisturizing the skin. In the morning and evening, cleanse the skin, 2- We do soft, sparing peeling 3 times a week.

Moisturizing your skin is an important part of your skin care routine any time of the year! As a moisturizer, you should choose something lighter that does not leave a sticky film on the face.

Make sure your day cream and foundation have the right amount of SPF sun protection. The minimum protection factor in the summer, which is recommended by cosmetologists, is 30.

If your skin is prone to hyperpigmentation, opt for sunscreen with SPF 50, trust me, it will only help.

Summer cosmetic procedures

Biorevitalization and botulinum therapy are among the procedures that do not have seasonal restrictions.

Biorevitalization is an injection technique during which microinjections of a special gel based on hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin. The procedure is indicated for those who lack regular skin care moisturizing, those who are dissatisfied with the complexion or feel that the skin is losing elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural “ingredient” found in the skin that is responsible for its firmness and hydration. In summer, with excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down and the rate of its decay increases.

That is why in summer it is important to maintain the natural beauty of our skin by nourishing it with hyaluronic acid from the outside.

Botulinum Toxin Therapy is a perfect example of how a toxic substance in the right doses and professional hands can prevent wrinkles, creases and wrinkles leaving you looking attractive, fresh and young face.

If you have not yet decided to get rid of wrinkles, age-related or mimic, summer is a very good time to do it!

Dysport or Botox? Common to these drugs is their main active ingredient: botulinum toxin type A. Both drugs are used to relax muscle tissue, thereby eliminating wrinkles.

Botox is said to work faster, but Dysport has a longer lasting effect. Although all these nuances have a purely individual effect on each individual.

Botulinum Therapy is a validated, registered and proven method to reduce and prevent wrinkles.

Summer Tips

Odes have long been sung about photoaging and the need to protect your skin from the sun. But if you like to soak up the sun, here are some simple tips for you:

  1. Choosing your tan in the morning, it really reduces the risk to your skin.
  2. Make sure to use sunscreen, don’t forget to reapply after swimming.
  3. After bathing in sea water, rinse the salt off the face and body well, and then moisturize the skin.
  4. Don’t underestimate the importance of sunglasses with quality UV protection lenses. A cat can squint in the sun, but we don’t need extra wrinkles!
  5. A wide-brimmed hat is not only spectacular, but also effective. It will not only attract admiring glances, but also protect your face and neck from excess sunlight.

So, dear skeptic, summer isn’t scary! Be sure that the summer season will not bring any new wrinkles, and we know how to get rid of the existing ones.

Glowing skin, a fresh face will become our constant companions not only in summer, but all year round!

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