The alignment of teeth in adults: whether it is possible to put braces as an adult?

Woman with braces.

Currently, in adults more often the question arises whether they can undergo orthodontic treatment (correct bite, the position of individual teeth), and by what means it can be done. Perhaps this is due to the formation of people more attentive attitude towards their health.
Requirements to original appearance of teeth rise: they must be not only white and strong but also beautiful and functional.

Orthodontic treatment of adult patients — is not only aesthetic, but also functional training, a result that achieves a uniform distribution of masticatory forces around the dentition, which prevents progress processes such as dental abrasion, recession (denudation of the roots of teeth), etc… also, orthodontic treatment is a preparatory stage for the future reconstruction of dentition (restorations, orthopedic corrections, implantation). It provides stable, long-term results in the future. The patient receives not only a beautiful smile, but also functional, stable, long-term results.

Orthodontics (braces / splints) for adult patients

Man with braces smiling.

So, is it possible to put an adult braces? The answer is — yes. Reimplantation in adults may be accomplished at any age — no restrictions. This can be used as braces, and aligners (clear aligners). As for the features in patients aged over 30 years, the times may be longer because age metabolism in the body and slow down recovery goes more slowly. The difficulty is that often skeletal anomalies in adults can be changed only with orthognathic surgery. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the teeth to make room for others in their alignment.

However, the experts of Dental Clinic «PRIZMA» a comprehensive approach to each case. After consulting related experts and careful diagnosis of each patient is offered the most appropriate treatment plan, which resulted in a stable result will be achieved, including aesthetics and functionality.

What is it possible to correct a bite by means of?

To correct occlusion in adults can be used as transparent kappa and braces (including an individual). When selecting equipment are important wishes of the patient.

What kind of braces is better to put adult patients

If we talk about braces, doctors usually recommend the use of metal braces, as they are the most durable and provide less wear life. However, for many patients, this change in appearance — too much of a sacrifice. In this case, the alignment of the teeth braces for adults is provided by a sapphire or ceramic systems.

The main stages of orthodontic treatment

  1. Dentist orthodontist conducts inspection and assessment of the state of the teeth. After that, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, the plan forms and duration of treatment.
  2. Remediation of the oral cavity. This procedure is necessary because orthodontic appliances (braces / splints) is set for a longer period, making it difficult to care for their teeth, increasing the risk of rapid multiplication of bacteria that become a source of tooth decay and other oral diseases.
  3. Fixing equipment.
  4. The stabilization of treatment results. Setting retention devices (can be both removable and non-removable) to ensure that the teeth are not returned to the correct position.

How long wear braces adults

Bracket system on a dental model.

On the question of how long wear splints or braces as an adult, simple answer is no. Each case is individual. However, the minimum treatment period — 1 year. It all depends on the characteristics of the bone tissue. As practice shows, to persuade patients to correct bite is impossible, as orthodontic treatment — a painstaking and lengthy process. The patient should he want this, otherwise there will come quickly tired of the treatment.

However, as we all know, the beauty demands victims. So throw away all doubts, fears and complexes, be patient, and forward — to a stunning smile!


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