Vela Shape 3 – technology for body correction without surgery

VelaShape III device procedure at Prizma Medical Center.


We are sure that in childhood, almost every girl dreamed of a magic wand. To wave, and you have a whole house for Barbie and a chest of clothes for her. Or Nikita from a parallel class invited me to a slow dance at a school disco. This is if the girl is already older.

With age comes experience and wisdom, but the desire for magic remains. “What would you like,” a friend on Facebook asks in a repost, “a million dollars or the ability to eat anything and not get better?” Here, about one in three will think: a million, this is certainly good, but I, mind you for pizza at night and for a princess in the morning.

At a more mature age, the problem of cellulite, according to statistics, overtakes 80-90% of women. And this means that only one or at best two women out of ten do not hesitate to parade along the beach in a swimsuit.

Prizma Medical Center offers you not a magic, but an absolutely real and effective means of combating such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite.

VelaShape III hardware procedure is a modern and very effective method of body lipomodelling. When we say “very effective” we mean that around 4 million independent Vela Shape treatments have been performed worldwide to date. Moreover, most of the clients noted positive changes in their bodies after the first procedure!

So if you are concerned about:

  • Overweight
  • Fat deposits in separate zones
  • Double chin
  • Cellulite
  • Sagging skin
  • Negative body changes after pregnancy
  • Edema;

then you should definitely experience the effectiveness of the deviceVelaShape III.

Using VelaShape III for abdominal correction.

What is it?

VelaShape III is a hardware non-invasive (which means that you will not be pricked with needles and cause the slightest discomfort) procedure, during which the superficial and deep layers of your skin are affected simultaneously by 4 newest techniques. It is the interaction of electrical and optical energy (otherwise called ELOS technology) that guarantees a quick, and most importantly, long-term result.

A few words about these four methods:

1. Infrared light

  • Heats the dermis and promotes collagen synthesis
  • Preheats subcutaneous tissues for deeper RF penetration

2. Bipolar radio frequencies

  • Penetrate and heat deeper tissues
  • Reduce the volume of fat cells
  • Improve skin tone

3-4. Vacuum roller massage

  • Improves lymphatic drainage
  • Optimizes the absorption of RF energy

What do you get as a result?

Fast and effective reduction of the volume of the thighs, tightening and reduction of the volume of the buttocks, reduction of the volume of the abdomen, improvement of blood circulation.

And most importantly, VelaShape 3 helps to raise self-esteem and improves overall well-being!

Benefits of Vela Shape 3:

Safe weight loss

VelaShape 3 is a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic procedure that does not require subsequent rehabilitation or recovery.


The procedure does not require the use of anesthesia, and the cooling technology minimizes possible discomfort.

Accuracy and efficiency

The combination of infrared rays and radio frequency energy provides an effective effect on body fat in specific problem areas.

Using VelaShape III to correct the thighs.

Save time

Depending on the treated area, the procedure lasts only from 30 to 90 minutes, and is carried out once a week. The course consists of several sessions.

Body lipomodelling and body shaping should become the same essential ritual of self-care as facial skin care, manicure and pedicure.

We assure you, cellulite treatment has never been so effective, fast and painless!

In addition, the VelaShape procedure can be applied to any area that needs contouring, whether it be the thighs, buttocks, lower legs, stomach, sides, arms and even the chin.

Athletes are categorical: it is impossible to lose weight in a local area, that is, in one specific place. Beauticians are more optimistic: VelaShape 3 technology can be effectively applied and pointy.

Unfortunately, the problem of cellulite also occurs in those girls who do not suffer from excess weight. You can be as “phytony” as you like and spend time productively in the gym, but unpleasant bumps will not go anywhere. VelaShape III is designed specifically to bring your body to perfection!

To get the best results, your cosmetologist will assess your skin’s initial condition and select the right number of treatments. Usually the course consists of 4-7 sessions, which should be done only once a week.

Dear girls, the time to dream is over, it’s time to act! Prizma Medical Center will be happy to help you fulfill all your desires quickly, and most importantly, in reality!


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